Red Orchestra Radio
The Electric Sleep

Feeling Faint (2006) Marc

Red Orchestra Radio – The Electric Sleep cover artwork
Red Orchestra Radio – The Electric Sleep — Feeling Faint, 2006

I know you shouldn't judge people by the company they keep, but I propose that there should be certain exemptions from this rule. For example, the people who hang around with the school bully. They might not be the ones locking you in the bathroom come break time, stealing your lunch, or flying your ridiculously large underpants from the school flagpole as in the film Angus, but you're never going to consider them class-a people, are you?

A convoluted introduction that may be, but the point being made is this: when you find out that bands have shared the stage with several acts of more than questionable talent, ability and general aptitude at life such as Atreyu and Hawthorne Heights, one's heart can't help but plummet. Such is the case with Red Orchestra Radio and their debut EP release The Electric Sleep.

It does bear mentioning that these guys aren't in the same league as the aforementioned bands. There are several moments during this five-song, thirty-minute-plus long EP where you can't help but think "Hmm… that was an interesting idea." Sadly, these moments are too few and far between to really make an impact, and the negative far outweighs the positive. Though they take a more prog-influenced route than their admittedly more anodyne peers, this essentially just means that the songs are longer than your usual emo sing-along. Despite traditional "cookie monster" style vocals being largely eschewed, sub-Papa Roach style whining dominates, and quickly irritates. Though seeming to be a competent bunch of musicians, there's no real spark to be found here, and it all descends into a shapeless dirge of chugging riffs and just a bit of noodling to break it up.

At the end of the day these guys could be a lot worse. There are absolutely no mentions whatsoever on this EP of blacking eyes or cutting wrists whatsoever... I think. But despite some effort, they do little to distinguish themselves from an already bustling crowd.

4.7 / 10Marc • January 18, 2007

Red Orchestra Radio – The Electric Sleep cover artwork
Red Orchestra Radio – The Electric Sleep — Feeling Faint, 2006


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