There’s no wasting time on X File on Main St. Within the first few lines, singer Daniel Pujol has taken his stance on careers, art, children, and life in general. I don’t know much, if anything, about his previous acts Meemaw and Saigon Baby, but Pujol plays noisy, stripped down garage that celebrates a DIY punk ethic. His vocals are … Read more
Pujol seemed like an odd pairing with Saddle Creek when I first heard of the signing last year. In 2011, the band released X File on Main Street a surprise find that got me interested not only in the band, but in the Nashville scene as a whole, playing lo-fi garage rock with a rough, dirty edge. Well, United States … Read more
Daniel Pujol is prolific and ever changing. The leader of Pujol continues to release records at a rapid pace, successfully switching up his backing sounds in the process. While early material was a lot more garage in style, the overall tone on Kludge is quirky and rock-based, but it ranges from sauntering slower material (“Spooky Scary”) to minimalist electropop (“Small … Read more
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