The unique style of P.O.S. continues to come together - from the disjointed and experimental Ipecac Neat that caught Rhymesayers' attention, and the slightly more mainstream Audition in 2006, Never Better continues to build and unify P.O.S.'s distinct and witty brand of hip-hop. To get it out of the way early, P.O.S. is also in the hardcore/mathrock band Building Better … Read more
Minneapolis’ P.O.S (aka Stefon Alexander) might not necessarily befit the tastes of most within the punk community, but his music is as heavily indebted to it as it is to hip-hop’s long and storied past. Since his musical beginnings in punk bands from as far back as high school, his music has been predominantly D.I.Y. and its messages of hard … Read more
A new kidney hasn’t made P.O.S soft and introspective. On his return to action album Chill, Dummy, he’s as angry and pointed as ever. The album rages, with moments of reflection that turn outward instead of in.The Minneapolis rapper has had an interesting evolution. He sprung up as a DIY punk-turned rapper, helped found the Doomtree collective, and released records … Read more
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