Review / 200 Words Or Less

Hydra Head (2008) Chris S.

Ocrilim – ANNWN cover artwork
Ocrilim – ANNWN — Hydra Head, 2008

Metal is constantly making relatives with classical and orchestra. Sometimes though, you have to remember why they are separate. Mick Barr is a very gifted individual; Wikipedia calls him "an American avant-garde metal guitarist." Though I would say his ability to shred with a relentless speed make him more than just that. He is more notably the second half of the duo Orthelm, however under this moniker he is guitar soundscapist Ocrilim.

The multi-layered immensity of this release is welcomed to an era of many bands experimenting with the limits of noise rock. The plot twist however is simply that this is Mick Barr and only Mick Barr attempting to conquer what a conservatory of fifty musicians struggles through with simply one guitar. Layer upon layer of metal onslaughts are carefully put together to create mind splitting symphonies.

Though this idea is original, it is somewhat un-listenable. His talent should be attributed, as well as his attempt to do something entirely original. Yet it is not attractive to the mere music listener. Which is why this release may fade into the abyss of thousands of musicians lost at sea.

3.0 / 10Chris S. • July 6, 2008

Ocrilim – ANNWN cover artwork
Ocrilim – ANNWN — Hydra Head, 2008

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