I'll be honest right off the bat. The first mention I heard of Murder by Death was when they were making their name change from Little Joe Gould. I had yet to hear any music that the band plays, and my initial reaction was that based on namesake it was going to be another one of those emo-metalcore acts that … Read more
Music is an art, and oftentimes musicians will use their art to tell a story - concept albums have become increasingly popular in recent years. Murder by Death dabbled in this genre with their previous effort, Who Will Survive, And What Will Be Left of Them?. And while they have cast aside the extended storyline from their new full-length, In … Read more
With their fourth full-length album, Murder by Death has finally brought all their varying influences together. Each of the band's previous recordings focused on a general indie rock sound, but they also flirted with various musical styles: folk, country, Americana, classical, and post-punk, among others. But with Red of Tooth and Claw all the band's previous flirtations and even some … Read more
Murder by Death are back with their sixth studio album, and it's their moodiest album yet. It's a stark contrast to their last record, Good Morning, Magpie--returning to, while exploring, more layers of atmospheric tones. With each album(excluding Red of Tooth...), I always found myself needing to give them multiple rounds to fully appreciate what I was listening to--Bitter Drink, … Read more
Making a career in the arts is hard. The job description lands somewhere between self-expression and entertainment and there isn’t a sure fire way to know whether or not what you’re creating is going to be profitable until well after all the art is done and out in the world for public consumption. Complicating things further is the fact that … Read more
Not many bands can make it eight albums into their career without a single dud. Murder by Death's mainstays, Adam Turla and Sarah Balliet, have spent nearly 2 decades honing their skills as songwriters, and they’ve let their growth lead us out into Space. The Other Shore has Turla returning to more of a long form narrative again. However, it … Read more
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