It is quite likely that Mouth of the Architect has been flying under your radar for quite some time. This is unfortunate, for both them and you. The Dayton, OH outfit's debut offering is four songs tracking in at an impressive forty-three minutes, with three of them clocking in past the ten minute mark. The songs that make up this … Read more
It has been a rather tumultuous year for Mouth of the Architect. Late last year the band announced their breakup as a result of the departure of their main songwriter and guitarist/vocalist. Not more than a few days later the band had a change of heart, revealing they would be continuing on, and with original vocalist/guitarist Alex Vernon returning to … Read more
Mouth of the Architect isn't a name heard nearly as often as it should. They have an impressive discography under their belt--releases like their split with Kenoma and their monumental studio album The Ties That Blind show that these guys really do mean business. If nothing else, the Ohioan quintet possess an unaccountably voluminous zest and energy that their shoegazing … Read more
Dayton, Ohio’s Mouth of the Architect was a post-metal lover’s wet dream when they came on the seen. The Midwest quintet fell into the same bucket as Isis, Pelican, and Intronaut but came out swinging with a sound and fury all their own. They managed to merge beautiful, landscaped instrumentals with scalping, scraping weaponry refined to a point on their … Read more
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