The indie nation are a bunch of whiners. Not only that, but they're pretentious, snobbish, and apparently humorless. Probably why Mogwai has always stuck out like a sore thumb around most of the journalists, scenesters, and bands. From the widespread-yet-untrue "Slint-knockoffs" title to the apathetic attitude that's been widely misconstrued as a general "Fuck you" to the public, Mogwai's always … Read more
I'm riding a veritable roller coaster. Yes, arguably the most clichéd analogy to begin any form of discussion about a post-rock record; I'm painfully aware but it's late and I'm tired. But I'm not going to compare the music itself to an intricate, high energy ride, but rather to my own reaction to it. My own perception and reaction to … Read more
The usual post-rock sites were ablaze with "new Mogwai is boring" posts a few weeks before it was released, which signaled not only the impending leak had finally happened, but also the expected, but all-too-easy, tendency to judge before really listening. I would have just ignored these dismissals anyway, but they got me wondering what to expect with album previews … Read more
Mogwai is a band that is extremely difficult to like. Though they are one of the cornerstone bands of the post-rock genre, their discography lacks a lot of the consistent strength found with acts such as Explosions in the Sky or Long Distance Calling. Don't misunderstand me; they have released some fine albums (Mogwai Young Team and Ten Rapid in … Read more
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