Meshuggah is one of those bands that make me want to grow my hair out and head-bang for hours on end. When I was around the age of 11, I wanted nothing more than to sport some long flowing locks. Why? At the time, I was attending private school, so we had a fairly strict dress code, one that included … Read more
There are lots of ways that one can view the genre of metal and any of its countless sub-genres - a soundtrack to your miserable life, a vicarious escape from the mundane, the optimum means of combating (or embracing) anger - all are possibilities, but not many will admit to regarding it as a valid art form, just as capable … Read more
Meshuggah is one of those bands I have an unnatural reverence for. Ever since I first heard Nothing, I've been in perpetual awe of their musical virtuosity and incredible technicality. Needless to say, when I heard they had a new album out, I emerged from my room, boldly risking such dangers as human interaction and contact with direct sunlight to … Read more
*Reviewers disclaimer – This is the most Meshuggah I have ever heard, so here you get two viewpoints – a fan perspective and, well, mine. Sweden’s Meshuggah (literally meaning “crazy” in Hebrew/Yiddish) have been the backbone of the extreme/technical/progressive death metal scene since their inception way back in 1987 and are usually credited with coining the term “djent” to describe … Read more
Yeah, I didn't quite believe it either. Though they released the full-length Koloss less than a year ago, Meshuggah seem to think that's too long for fans to wait for new material. Colour me surprised when they released the new (free!) EP Pitch Black late last month through Scion A/V (the second release to come out of their pairing following … Read more
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