Lavinia are a post rock super group of sorts. being comprised of members of more than a couple Mylene Sheath bands including Caspian and Eksi Ekso. So there are certain expectations most listeners will be placing on this release. The band doesn't stray too far from the post rock foundation built with their full time bands. Guitars shimmer and build leading to their inevitable breakdown. The drums fill the gaps strengthening the overall sound throughout.
The real kicker here is the vocals many bands of this style seem to forgo the use of vocals so as to avoud taking away from the atmosphere the instruments build. Here the vocals are on full display helping the overall atmosphere and creating and relationship with the guitars while not seeming to take away from them.
Where the band seem to fall short is that with their glut of experience they seem to sound like a new band. The songs sound gorgeous but seem to have kinks in them overall. Although the same was probably said when Mogwai added vocals to their sound as well. Everything here seems overly peaceful. There is an obvious quiet to loud dynamic very much is lost in the builds. Hopefully the band can get some more time together and make the most of their talents. In the meantime this is a worthwhile start.