Lars Frederiksen
To Victory

Pirates Press (2021) Loren

Lars Frederiksen – To Victory cover artwork
Lars Frederiksen – To Victory — Pirates Press, 2021

When the pandemic first struck and musicians were stuck in their homes, this is exactly the kind of record I expected everyone to make: solo, acoustic, redoing old songs and favorite covers. Ironically, Lars’ solo project started prior to Covid and was meant as a live thing, which was subsequently kicked to the curb like everything else set in public last year.

To Victory gives us 6 songs, 0 originals. Two are new renditions of Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards songs, two new takes of songs by The Old Firm Casuals, and then a U.K. Subs cover and even a Kiss song -- which is surprisingly one of the better songs on here. Some songs are just Lars with an acoustic guitar, others take the Billy Bragg-style singer with an electric. It’s really Lars’ voice and grit on display. He’s earnest, emotional and rough-around-the-edges. There’s an unstated blue-collar vibe throughout, combined with a big focus on the chorus. It took me a dozen listens before it really made sense that there’s a Kiss song on here. These songs may be a one-man show* and even about Frekeriksen’s personal lineage and upbringing, but it’s music for the people. To take “Army of Zombies” out of context: “It’s you, it’s me…” Then the Kiss song (“Comin’ Home”) gives a little extra populist push.

* And it’s not entirely just Lars, as “Comin’ Home” features guest vocals by Rancid bandmate Matt Freeman.

My overall take is that To Victory is a fun trip down memory lane. It makes me want to dig out the original Bastards CD (and reminded me of its cringe sequel). The new renditions don’t really feel new, they feel revived, kind of like alt-takes versus remixes. It’s at its best when it’s Lars with an electric guitar. Some of the acoustic parts feel choppy -- written for different instrumentation -- though the organ gives a nice coverup to push the melody along in “Army of Zombies.” The record hits the spot for fans of his work, but it doesn’t bring much new to the table either.

7.0 / 10Loren • January 4, 2022

Lars Frederiksen – To Victory cover artwork
Lars Frederiksen – To Victory — Pirates Press, 2021

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