Premise: An album comprised of five tracks. -Five tracks, man? Pffft, how long could it be? -Like, you know... longer than that Locust joint. -No way? Which Locust joint? -Any of them, and yeah way. -Kayo Dot's on Robotic Empire. So, this album's a combination of spazzy drumbeats, everywhere guitar parts, and harsh vocals - that I love, of course … Read more
Kayo Dot is still creating music that's "eerie as fuck," but that comes as no surprise. The band seems to follow no set of guidelines when it comes to writing music. Toby Driver's voice is the only certain thing that can be heard over the sounds Kayo Dot makes. Not to say that the music is uncertain, but it is … Read more
It starts off inconspicuously enough, a series of instrumental swells that set the sombre and dark mood for the rest of the album. And then the growls enter, delivered as if part of a spoken word piece, each individual syllable pronounced as if there was all the time in the world. The swells become broader and more intense, a series … Read more
Just last year, Kayo Dot were releasing one of their most ambitious and challenging albums, Hubardo. The US based band, led by mastermind singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Toby Driver, has made a career out of their crazy mold of different musical genres. Hubardo was the perfect example of the Kayo Dot vision, encompassing in its two disks elements of avant-garde metal, post-metal and … Read more
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