Jason Paul + the Know It Alls
Alien or Martian?

Broken Anchor Recordings (2021) Loren

Jason Paul + the Know It Alls – Alien or Martian? cover artwork
Jason Paul + the Know It Alls – Alien or Martian? — Broken Anchor Recordings, 2021

I’d seen the name Jason Paul + the Know It Alls around a few times but never really looked into them -- which is a shame, seeing that they share members with a personal favorite, Toys That Kill. It took ‘em four records, but I’m finally checking out the brand new Alien or Martian?, released this April.

Suffice to say there are a lot of similarities to the aforementioned group, including Sean Cole (on drums here). It’s poppy at heart, but quirky and somewhat aloof with a subtly psychedelic feel that undercuts those sunny tones at the forefront.

But Jason Paul + the Know It Alls is clearly its own jam. For one, Jason Paul leads the group. Beyond the namesake, it’s also more diverse in sound. The songs on here are probably 50% in that poppy sense, but others pull from acoustic balladry to choppy, rhythmic guitars. Then there’s a rollicking heart-of-rock ‘n’ roll solo to close out “As The Day Goes By.” There’s also a silly, kind of absurd, streak to it -- which the name Alien or Martian? and cover art probably already gave away. The lyrics are sometimes personal and direct, at other times playful and abstract. The song “Go For Broke” sums up the vibe nicely.

It took me a while to pinpoint the familiar resonance in Paul’s voice, but it finally came to mind. I pick up shades of Todd Congelliere’s timbre to beat that TTK horse again, but also part Joe Jack Talcum of Dead Milkmen. And when I drew that connection, it really pulled all the sonic influences together for me.

Jason Paul & the Know It Alls aren’t reinventing pop-punk here. They’re a DIY punk band that love what they do. They’ve released four albums in five years; they’ve toured tirelessly; they crank out new tunes and do it without dreams of being listed on the marquee. It’s scrappy pop-inspired punk where the band plays with a smile -- not for the cameras, but because they honestly love what they’re doing.

7.0 / 10Loren • June 28, 2021

Jason Paul + the Know It Alls – Alien or Martian? cover artwork
Jason Paul + the Know It Alls – Alien or Martian? — Broken Anchor Recordings, 2021

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