Isle of View
Gentle Firefly Radio

Undecided (2005) Clarke

Isle of View – Gentle Firefly Radio cover artwork
Isle of View – Gentle Firefly Radio — Undecided, 2005

Before I get to the review of Isle of View's Gentle Firefly Radio, I must state the following. This is by no means whatsoever a biased review. I like pop-punk music. I love The Descendants, earlier New Found Glory, Blink 182, and so on. But I don't like this band.

Gentle Firefly Radio is very boring, and the singer's voice isn't one you would like listening to over a long period of time. Their songs don't contain the clever yet simple riffs that got me hooked to pop punk when I was a kid. They do have some drum parts that are pretty cool, and at times I found myself sort of enjoying a few of their songs. But at some point during those songs I was enjoying they would do something completely stupid and I start hating them more and more.

Overall, if you are a 13 year old girl or someone who likes every trendy band that comes around you will probably like Isle of View.

3.5 / 10Clarke • August 4, 2005

Isle of View – Gentle Firefly Radio cover artwork
Isle of View – Gentle Firefly Radio — Undecided, 2005


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