Insect Warfare
Endless Execution Thru Violent Restitution

625 Thrash (2006) Jaime

Insect Warfare – Endless Execution Thru Violent Restitution cover artwork
Insect Warfare – Endless Execution Thru Violent Restitution — 625 Thrash, 2006

Insect Warfare is back bringing their Gulf Coast grindcore obliteration in the form of a new 7" EP entitled Endless Execution Thru Violent Restitution on 625 Thrash. Although their fanbase and popularity soared in the wake of their debut EP, At War With Grindcore, this EP is sure to make them into the legends that they deserve to be. The artwork itself is legendary. Having been done by inkmaster Daniel "Sawblade" Shaw, it depicts the Executioner laying waste to everyone and everything with no end in sight.

The EP opens up with "Repulsed by Radiation" in which you hear the revving of the Executioner's chainsaw, and it moves along nicely going from a slow gloomy intro, into a thrashing jam, until it reaches it's final point in which it just obliterates everything in its path with Frank's superhuman blast beats. This first track gives the listener a good idea of what the rest of the EP is going to be like: non-stop, unrelenting Gulf Coast grindcore. This EP is pure brutality on wax. If the music doesn't make you want to kill people, the lyrics will. With songs about post-nuclear war societies of cannibalistic mutants and laying posers to waste, Rahi spares no one in his vocal assault on humanity. The riffs of Beau Beasley tie everything together as he shreds through all seven tracks with a violent persistence. Endless Execution Thru Violent Restitution closes with a rendition of Razor's "Behind Bars" off of their Violent Restitution LP (Metal Blade, 1988), whom they claim to be one of the main influences for this EP.

Insect Warfare rips through all seven songs of this EP in just less than ten minutes. The longest song being 2:40, "Repulsed by Radiation," and the shortest being 0:26, "Command of the Guillotine." This is a must have for any fan of old school grindcore and thrash, i.e. Razor, Repulsion, Terrorizer, and DRI. Justice has been served!

8.0 / 10Jaime • April 26, 2007

Insect Warfare – Endless Execution Thru Violent Restitution cover artwork
Insect Warfare – Endless Execution Thru Violent Restitution — 625 Thrash, 2006


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