Harnessing Ruin

Olympic (2005) Mitchell

Immolation – Harnessing Ruin cover artwork
Immolation – Harnessing Ruin — Olympic, 2005

Hey Immolation, I just received a call from 1989 and they want their music back. Harnessing Ruin is the sixth release from legendary death-metal act Immolation, and they show us once again why they're "legendary." The nine songs off this CD deliver 2005 a blast from the past. This death-metal time-warp makes me think back to when death-metal bands came and went like our modern day screamo outfits that plague local venues all across the nation. Back when death-metal was outlawed and looked down on by other musical communities. Back when Nike puffs, tight denim jeans, and ripped leather jackets were accepted with open arms. Harnessing Ruin embodies all the classic elements of an excellent death-metal record, and shouldn't be overlooked just because only four bands keep this genre alive each year.

Immolation is one of the most consistent bands out there right now, and it's probably the reason their fan base is lacking. They've stuck with the same grinding death-metal riffs for the past decade, and have done an excellent job at recycling their sound into something that keeps the fans on their toes. Unfortunately, the genre has taken a dive in recent years, with barely any bands to keep the name alive. Songs like "Harnessing Ruin", "Crown the Liar", and "Swarm of Terror" shine a light down the bleak, empty well that is death-metal.

This is no perfect record by any means, but it doesn't catch drift and blow the wrong way. Every song is blended together darkly making Harnessing Ruin 2005's death-metal Gold Medalist.

8.0 / 10Mitchell • November 18, 2005

Immolation – Harnessing Ruin cover artwork
Immolation – Harnessing Ruin — Olympic, 2005

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