Hint Hint will make you dance, but they'll also leave you with somewhat of an empty feeling. This is one of those bands who are definitely good, but lack a sound original enough to have carved their own little niche in your mind. I'm definitely thinking that Hint Hint will be able to do something really good in the future, … Read more
With bands like Hot Hot Heat getting big, it's no doubt you'd see a ton of bands that are similar get recognized. Such is the case with Hint Hint. This is their first release and I must say I am somewhat let down from all the hype this band has been getting. Although the record is alright, I was just … Read more
Think of Ink and Dagger. Then think of Ink and Dagger without their great singer. Then mix in a bit of Adult and you'll have Hint-Hint. The first song starts it off well, but it isn't really a sign of anything. The second song is anti-climatic, which would be fine if it weren't building up to anything, but it seems … Read more
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