It's been almost ten years since Mogwai released their now classic debut Young Team and still countless younger bands are trying to emulate that almost entirely instrumental, post-everything sound that relies just as heavy on ambient noises as it does on actual musicianship. I give praises to Gifts From Enola for actually creating a disc that shows some promise of … Read more
Post-rock has predictably reached its stage of full saturation, becoming the self-loathing cliché that wasn't hard to see coming. Bands are unfairly and mockingly compared to Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai, and This Will Destroy You, whose stranglehold over the genre have made them a benchmark for those that follow suit and a constant reminder of the jadedness of the … Read more
Gifts From Enola should be fairly recognizable to anyone into the post rock scene at this point. The Virginia based band have been putting out music and logging road time for the better part of 6 years at this point. The band have worked hard to progress their dynamics-laden post rock sound. So it comes as little surprise that after … Read more
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