Genghis Tron is something of an anomaly in the world of music. On their Myspace site they list themselves as Grind/Electro/Metal, which is a pretty disconcerting declaration to some. It sounds a bit off-putting, like a botched crossbreeding that has yielded mentally handicapped offspring in the form of songs that should have never been written. That's the way it usually … Read more
Genghis Tron occupies a very precarious place in the world of music. Unlike most "polarizing" bands like The Locust or Blut Aus Nord, Genghis Tron does not have a "demographic" to appeal to. And let me explain. Genghis Tron is a three-piece synth-riding experimental metal band. Or, on the other hand, you could just as easily call them a blast-beat … Read more
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