Over the past year or so A389 Records has put out a staggering amount of releases that sit just barely within the confines of metal and hardcore. For every label that insists on putting out breakdown heavy, mosh exercises there are much fewer that choose to stay outside of the simplicity of that. Full Of Hell are one of the … Read more
While hardcore and the like have always valued the use of noise rarely has it ever been used in a combination of hardcore as a genre as well as the idea of noise as a genre unto itself. Noise as a genre is a very tough to pin down aesthetic in and of itself, just as hard would be to … Read more
Full of Hell remain successful in orbiting the broad domain of hardcore punk without becoming victims of convention or straying from ethic. With the release of Amber Mote in the Black Vault via John Hoffman’s (Weekend Nachos) Bad Teeth Recordings, “stagnation” simply does not appear to be a part of the Maryland/Pennsylvania outfit’s vocabulary. The group grows more and more … Read more
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