By now, you've probably already heard Hidden World. It leaked months ago, and the band even posted a link to one of its downloading proxies on their blog. Before long the Internet was awash in reactions, most grouped along two polarities - while plenty of listeners thought they were hearing something important, just as many others lamented that "the drums … Read more
The Chinese Zodiac dictates that the dog will come through for me every time. The dog, I'm told, is reliable, empathetic, and intelligent. The dog is the kind of friend everybody can use. For a few years now, Fucked Up has played the dog for me. I resisted at first, after somebody led me to believe they traded in the … Read more
Fucked Up are on intimate terms with ambiguity. It's a rare virtue, since as a rule rock bands tend to seek the comfort of ham-fisted moralism or an apathy either hard-partying or self-pitying. But like Sylvia Plath circa Ariel or the earliest punk bands, Fucked Up stamp their works with an intimidating and sometimes uncomfortable symbolic resonance, leaving it to … Read more
A re-release of an EP that came out last year from this overrated punk band from Canada that someone inked a deal with indie's scared cow of a label, Matador Records. If you haven't heard Fucked Up in a while you may remember a time where they wrote sarcastic bites of simple punk rock. If you listen to then now … Read more
In Fucked Up's early years, they only released songs on seven-inch records, two songs at time, sometimes three, very rarely four or more. Songs during the fifties and sixties were released in a similar fashion, the jukebox single on the a-side with one or two more on the back. Songs rarely exceeded the four-minute mark due to the space constraints … Read more
It was one of the most anticipated albums of the year, and was welcomed with such positive reception. Needless to say, my expectations were high. Chemistry of Common Life was one of my favorite albums of 2008 and the idea of Fucked Up writing a rock-opera was intriguing to me. Now it's months later, and I'm still trying to figure … Read more
Even though I’ve listened to some of their material, I hadn't really plunged deep into Fucked Up-mania. It wasn’t until I checked out their new song “Paper The House” that I became captivated by the music of this tumultuous, rudely-named band. The tribal drum intro, the ecstatic guitar duel, and barechested frontman Damian Abraham’s face-melting, guttural howls make Glass Boys’ … Read more
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