For the Crown

Give Me Strength (2003) Nick

For the Crown – Blueprint cover artwork
For the Crown – Blueprint — Give Me Strength, 2003

It's so sad when a great band releases a great album and then breaks up soon after before they even get a chance to showcase their talent to the world. Such a thing happened to For the Crown, a melodic hardcore band hailing from the Bay Area in California. The quartet released on one full length in their short lifespan. That album is Blueprint which is easily one of the best hardcore albums of the year. And the worst part is that not many people outside of California even knew who they were before they decided to call it quits.

There are 11 tracks on Blueprint and zero dull moments. Each track is worth listening to, which equals a solid album and no wear on the skip button of the CD player. The first song, the title track, starts with a melodic guitar riff supplemented by heavy bass, drum, and guitar hits. It quickly speeds up and carries the tempo for the rest of the album. This track then segues into "Sequel-Proof," what may be an ironic title based on the fact that there was no follow-up.

These two tracks can summarize the entire CD quite well. There are tons of heavy, melodic guitar riffs that carry the vocals quite well and more harmonics than an Ensign album. Those melodious parts often move to heavy, mosh parts that, in turn, evoke brutal gang vocals. The drumming is done just right. There isn't any flashy musical masturbation. The rhythm is straightforward and helps move the songs into the direction they should be going. The vocals are scratchy, yet still pleasant. They are actually distinguishable from other bands' singers from the genre. My only complaint would be that the bass drum and bass guitar are a little bit trebly. But this is just a minor flaw in the record and should not discourage anyone.

I honestly cannot see why anyone who is into hardcore would dislike this album. They can mostly be compared to bands like Stay Gold and Faded Grey although they have heavy influences from Gorilla Biscuits. However, their harder parts and lyrics will appeal to a much wider audience. They are not to be taken as some sissy, crybaby band. These guys were awesome and it is too sad that they will never be able to reach their full potential. I highly recommend this album to most everyone. It can be purchased on Give Me Strength's website ( for no more than $10, and it is well worth every cent. And if the thief in you decides you would rather download before you buy, then at least check out the songs "Birch Street," "Fistful of Dynamite," and "Over and Out," all classics.

9.5 / 10Nick • March 15, 2004

For the Crown – Blueprint cover artwork
For the Crown – Blueprint — Give Me Strength, 2003

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Posted in Bands on April 6, 2004


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