Few and the Proud

Organized Crime (2006) Evan B.

Few and the Proud – Stampede cover artwork
Few and the Proud – Stampede — Organized Crime, 2006

Few and the Proud really needs no introduction other than the fact that they are, and always will be, straightedge. The lyrics insert makes the claim that "a new era has begun," but more on that later.

The record begins with the intro "Trampled." And by the time it was over, I was sure this record was going to be heavy as hell. My predictions weren't proven wrong, and this record only gets heavier with each song. If I were to describe the sound, it would be like Integrity playing youth crew. The songs are fast and there really isn't a metal influence, yet the lyrics are misanthropic and skeptical.

Don't take that the wrong way and think this band is on the same level as xTired Rantx (xTyrantx) or some other stupid hate-edge band. Few and the Proud seem to take the stance of letting the users self-destruct. "To those sincerely trying to rid their lives of filth / for your efforts we have nothing but support" closes the album with some glimmer of hope for mankind, and how this band is not about hurting those who indulge in substances. Discontent doesn't just extend to users, but to the current state of straightedge as a movement, hardcore itself, and the human species in general.

Back to the music, the guitars are crushing, but it would have been nice to have more lead guitar parts show up in the songs. The bass, unlike most bands, doesn't just take up space and follow the drums. I like how the bass leads into key tempo changes at times. The drums are tight and go well beyond the level of "competent" hardcore drumming. Singer Bernie's voice is absolutely brutal; I honestly think he has one of the angriest voices I have ever heard in a hardcore band. Everyone in the band has been playing hardcore for years, and their efforts combined makes for an awesome sound. The record also contains a cover of xChorusx's "No Part," which sounds awesome as well.

If a new era of straightedge hardcore truly has begun, I cannot wait for the future, and more kids to sing along to "Absolute Truth" with.

8.9 / 10Evan B. • October 18, 2006

Few and the Proud – Stampede cover artwork
Few and the Proud – Stampede — Organized Crime, 2006

Related news

Few And The Proud Break Up

Posted in Splits on July 30, 2007


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