Reviews of: Emmy The Great

2 total reviews

Emmy The Great

Bella Union (2015)

Creating the most welcoming introduction that you're likely to hear this year, S opener "Swimming Pool" features haunting, echoing synthesisers that sound like a distorted church organ, while Wild Beasts' bassist Tom Fleming's vocal timbre compliments the ethereal quality of the song. Musing on the perils of engaging with other people on "Social Halo", Emmy sings "You and your friends … Read more

Emmy The Great

Second Love
Bella Union (2016)

Finding an anchor in your life is one of those inevitabilities that is constantly chattering away in the back of your head; you're trying to figure out where you should be and where you should stay. If your 20s are there to discover what you're doing with your life and which space on this planet is most homely to you, … Read more