Reviews of: Death Cab For Cutie

4 total reviews

Death Cab For Cutie

Barsuk (2003)

The members of Death Cab For Cutie equal far more than the sum of their parts; this much has been evident since a small, unknown label from Seattle named Barsuk released Something About Airplanes back in 1999. In the four years since that record, the band has released three 7" singles, two EPs, four full-lengths, and one compilation of singles, … Read more

Death Cab For Cutie

Atlantic (2005)

With their fifth full-length, indie music darlings Death Cab for Cutie make the jump from 'the little engine that could,' Barsuk Records, to the big-time of Atlantic Records. But don't pick up that rock just yet. Death Cab isn't deserving of the bludgeoning reserved for traitors. With their latest release, Plans Death Cab stick to what they do best as … Read more

Death Cab For Cutie

Codes And Keys
Atlantic (2011)

With a prolific band like Bellingham, Washington’s Death Cab for Cutie, (Codes and Keys being their seventh studio album release), it’s impossible for fans not to speculate how their newest album is going to sound. “Maybe it’ll sound like Transcendentalism with some Postal Service influence!” “Maybe it’ll be like Narrow Stairs... but better!” “What The Open Door EP started, Codes … Read more

Death Cab For Cutie

Asphalt Meadows
Atlantic (2022)

Ten albums into their tenure and Death Cab for Cutie are still finding ways to reinvent themselves while maintaining their identity and sound. Their 2018 release, Thank You For Today, was the first to feature members Zac Rae and Dave Depper after long-time member and co-writer, Chris Walla, left the group. This led to the songs on that album being … Read more