Day of Contempt
The Will to Live

Epitaph (2005) Mitchell

Day of Contempt – The Will to Live cover artwork
Day of Contempt – The Will to Live — Epitaph, 2005

Goddamn! You're more than likely speculating that this record is going to be one of two things because of the profane first impression. It's either going to be an over-the-top, album of the year deal, or just another record you stop halfway through setting aside to collect dust. However, Day of Contempt's The Will to Live is neither of the aforementioned. These boys from downunder have put together a release full of upbeat and catchy sing-along songs. It however, doesn't par up in the lyric department and that seems to swallow the energy that the rest of the songs is trying to convey. Maybe these lyrics have a more personal meaning that I can't put my finger on. But overall, this is a refreshing listen, and I am almost positive everyone can at least find a song or two on this EP to their liking.

'A Million Miles' begins with the sound of a record player spinning this eerie 30 second children's rhyme, and then suddenly kicks right into the song. I thought to myself 'this is exactly what the first song off the next Rise Against album is going to sound like' . It's powerful, in your face, and puts you in the mood for the rest of the album. Ben's vocals erupt alongside a friendly drumbeat which made me sit up in my seat. This guy is good, but the lyrics are humiliating the effort the music is putting out. Nevertheless, 'A Million Miles' carries on for another three and a half minutes without a second of my attention drawn from it. This song is ace, and I was a little worried that the rest of the CD couldn't keep up with it.

Wrong! The second song, 'The Ghost of Tragedy' hit me harder than a deer in the headlights, and is my second favorite song off the CD. It's upbeat, and has a chorus that will have everyone singing along too. I'm surprised these guys aren't a TRL wannabe yet.

'Salvation Wearing Thin' keeps the flow going, and highlights Ben's vocal talent with various transitions from singing to yelling. It blends together well, and isn't drawn out to be a repetitive four and a half minute disaster.

Opening up the second half of the album, 'Shattered Dreams and Broken Hearts' presents a special appearance by Marta from Bleeding Through and James Hart from 18 Visions. I already have an iffy perception about how this song is going to sound. Much to my surprise, this song is much more epic than the previous three, and combines a dark theme with an uplifting melody. This is easily my favorite song off the CD, and brings together all the things I've liked about this band together into one song.

Both 'Take All the Blame' and 'Close my eyes' definitely let me down. Both sound rushed, and fill in for something that could make this release a God among poppy-rock bands. The last three songs sound like the band climaxed with 'Shattered Dreams and Broken Hearts' then hit rock bottom.

In general, the majority of it was good, and gave me something to sing along too, but I found myself stopping the EP after 'Shattered Dreams and Broken Hearts' because it should have ended there. However, for the price you could pick this up for, it's worth it. Nothing special, definitely not on my top 5 for 2005, but I'll put it on every now and then.

6.0 / 10Mitchell • September 9, 2005

Day of Contempt – The Will to Live cover artwork
Day of Contempt – The Will to Live — Epitaph, 2005

Related news

Day Of Contempt Sign To Epitaph

Posted in Bands on June 23, 2005


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