Bear with me here as I am in the middle of sonically orgasming while listening to this tape from Cremation Lily (the aptly titled 2 as this is the second tape from this project); no seriously, I am not overly hyperbolizing right now because these sounds literally elicit this kind of intense and powerful emotional response while the tape plays over and over again (because I just keep flipping the tape in the cassette deck) and drown in the hypnosis and depressing malaise. The multitude of sonic layers are mind-blowing as you pick out specific sounds in the whirlwind of white noise and cascading keyboards that hide the slightest of subtle melodies beneath the seemingly ceaseless sonic storm.
The two sides of this tape (one song on each side) are just about perfect in their execution while both being beautiful and simply crushing at the same time; “Saturated In Urine” and “Velvet Pillow” demonstrate that Cremation Lily can craft compelling sonic textures that I literally cannot wait to listen to on a daily basis, and while that may be a sign of my twisted aesthetic proclivities, it is also a testament to the strange beauty that 2 exudes in volumes.
Honestly, this tape is awesome and is a definite touchstone for me in regards to my increasing obsession with Cremation Lily due to its captivating depth of sound; and while it may be mildly disappointing to only have these two compositions to sink your teeth into on 2, Cremation Lily decided correctly that this is what 2 is (no more… no less… just the right length…), just the right amount of noise to wet your appetite and leave you wishing the tape would go on for hours instead of it being this finite creation. If this is the sound of sweet oblivion, Cremation Lily may have struck just the right chords here; and people should definitely hear this (just be careful that it does not become a daily obsession that blots a lot of other things out of what you want to listen to because no matter how hard I try not to, I am still throwing 2 in the tape deck if I have the choice.