Just about everything about this release offended me, from the cover photo a bloodied tricycle to one of the members flashing a gang sign in the band photo and Rick ta White saying, "No One! Fuck all you bitches and sorry ass motherfuckers out there!" in the thank-you list. If you haven't guessed, Countime is yet another run of the mill gang-styled hardcore band that seems to think any word that sounds like a number (exp. to, for, too, fore) must in fact be a typed out as a number in the most mind numbing lyric sheet I've ever read. What sort of band comes with lyrics like, "Freak you / Kiss you / Fist you / Suck you / Fuck you"? Countime is that band. They also need to remind us to never forgot Agnostic Front in another song. Come to think of it, Countime sounds like that god-awful metalcore album Agnostic Front put out a few years back. I could go on and one how horrible this seven song EP is from the hackneyed lyrics about being tough and being true to telegraphed mosh parts in quasi speed metal hardcore that beckons jackasses from the 'burbs to come to Countime's shows to kill each other with spinkicks and ninja moves. I could go on and on how truly bad Countime is and how this type of music should be laughed out of hardcore for just on how completely ridiculous it is, but why waste my time and the bandwidth?