Coleman Hell
Stark Raving

Independent (2013) Lucy Mazzucco

Coleman Hell – Stark Raving cover artwork
Coleman Hell – Stark Raving — Independent, 2013

Coleman Hell is a three-piece Canadian band from Northern Ontario. It consists of vocalist Coleman Hell along with Rob “La+ch” Benvegnu and Michah “Dustbuster” Dowbak. Along with being a band, it is a project that experiments with sound and also consists of their “behind-the-scenes” engineer Brendon “Stretch” McDonald, whom all together help to create, produce and perfect the beats and instrumentals to Hell’s cleverly constructed lyrics.

Their album entitledStark Raving brings a whole new level to the genre they classify themselves with as “indie/hip hop” while incorporating an electronic feel. Their style and sound is so diverse and unique that it cannot be characterized simply by individual songs, but the album as a whole. 

The first song, entitled “Chasing Amy,” introduces the album with symphonic sounds that smoothly transition into piano riffs before showcasing the talented effect of Hell’s vocals and introducing his audience to his witty and humorous lyrics. The song has a jazzy vibe, which displays only a fraction of the talented abilities of La+ch and Dustbuster. 

The next song, entitled “Beer Cans,” begins a pattern for the album after the first song. Hell’s lyrics continue to convey wit and humor where he makes references to things such as, Anne Frank’s diary and Jiminy Cricket as a conscience. Overall, the song is very mellow, flows nicely and for the first time in the album, they introduce a group of vocals that chime in all together during the chorus singing, “look at all these beer cans, they’re going to make us rich,” one of the many catch phrases in the album which is so contagious, you’ll love it after only having heard the song once.

A song that really stood out to me off of the album is “Preylude” which reminds me of poetry slams that are common at small bars across the city of Toronto. The instrumentals in the song consist only of the simplicity of two drum beats which repeat continuously like a heartbeat. There are subtle vocal effects for emphasis on references to things such as “bed bugs” and the way this effect sits in the middle of a verse so poetic, catches you off guard and instantly inflicts goose bumps every time I hear it. About a minute into the song, there’s a subtle pause which ends abruptly when the vocals continue with yet another one of the band’s catch phrases; “release the hounds” which is the climax of the song, raising the intensity and introducing more drums giving it a Jay-Z vibe. This song is a perfect example that displays the diversity of Hell’s vocal abilities and showcases a paradox between clever and sophisticated vs. dark and powerful.

Following “Preylude,” is the song entitled “Stark Raving,” which is a key song since it was chosen as the title for the album. The mood is lifted once again and the intensity level drops. The instrumentals of this song give it a sensual vibe making it a sexy song while maintaining a level of class and sophistication. This is the first song off the album that I can imagine playing at a club and having people dance to. This also goes back to the paradox that the band fluctuates with, which is why the album is so interesting. 

Another song that really stood out to me was “Shake it Off” which is my favorite song off the album. The beat and instrumentals of the song are very catchy and when integrated with Hell’s vocals, it creates a perfect combination of upbeat sounds in which Hell is still able to maintain a level of intensity.

The next few songs are upbeat just like the beginning of the album and the creativity of Hell’s lyrics continue. Not many artists can make references to Tuxedo Mask from “Sailor Moon,” Chandler Bing from “Friends,” a technicolor dream coat or paraphrase and put a spin on lyrics from a Poison song; all while getting away with it. Along with these references, are many more which are like surprises when you catch them every so often after listening to the album for the second and third time.

Overall, I really enjoyed getting to know this album, listening it to it countless times and finding hidden gems that were subtly incorporated into the songs. The album is a collection of truly diverse and experimental sounds which communicate an array of emotions; making it the perfect album for any occasion and a great recommendation for anyone. 

Coleman Hell – Stark Raving cover artwork
Coleman Hell – Stark Raving — Independent, 2013


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