Changing Face's debut EP, Our Last Chance demonstrates a side of hardcore that is most commonly looked down upon. The side of hardcore that has been left in the frying pan for far too long, and flipped one too many times by tough guys in camo-gear. However, Changing Face keeps these seven songs nice and short, and put in more ingredients than your ordinary break down. Our Last Chance is as raw as hardcore gets, and if you don't like this band now you better bite your lip because Changing Face aren't going to stand down anytime soon.
They're few hardcore records that come out with enough passion and intensity that catch my attention right off the bat and make me want to thrash it up, but Our Last Chance has that magical touch that could pick me up out of this computer chair and throw me into a circle pit, or engage some of my infamous hardcore dancing techniques. Either way, this EP is filled with thrashin' breakdowns and a message that everyone who respects hardcore would appreciate.
"Dead End", "Insincerity", and the self-titled track are memorable moments off this record with their harmonious blending of styles and progressive breakdowns that really made my jaw drop. The only criticism about this record would be around the fourth or fifth track where things start to slow down and lose that spark of creativity before the final fight. Aside from that little draw back this record is going to put Changing Face at the head of their class.
If you are disappointed that These Days broke up and that Time For Living are recently deceased, than here's a little something new that will most likely suit your fancy.