Blind Faith

Iron Pier/Just a Audial (2009) Michael

Capital – Blind Faith cover artwork
Capital – Blind Faith — Iron Pier/Just a Audial, 2009

Tommy Corrigan does no wrong. Silent Majority was an amazing and completely underrated band. Blood Red was an outstanding and original sounding group. And his most recent music endeavor Capital is all of those in one. Capital's sound is fresh and nostalgic at the same time. Blind Faith is a 7" of the songs from a once-planned split with Crime in Stereo. Said split eventually fell by the wayside. The Crime in Stereo songs ended up on a b-sides collection while the Capital songs began to fade away until Iron Pier and Jus a Audial got a hold of them.

"Out of Business" is a Long Island hardcore jam from start to finish. The music is fast and aggressive and yet it is also melodic. The bass tones on the song are awesome and had me thinking back to the mid-90's; like I said, Capital's music is nostalgic. "Blind Faith" is more of the same. The guitars are warm and have a definite Quicksand-inspired sound. The rhythm section is just as vibrant as the guitars. They are upbeat and energize the listener.

The vocals and lyrics of Corrigan are earnest and deeply thought out; reading along, you can tell that every word is written with care and sung with the utmost meaning. For example on "Out of Business" he takes on the corporate music world:

The market plan didn't call for an outcry / You didn't count on the kids growing up / You can only water it down for so long / Now the well has dried up.

As a treat Capital takes on Dag Nasty's "I've Heard" and they do a spectacular job. Usually bands covering artists they are often compared ends up bad for everyone, but that's not the case here.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're glad to finally have these songs. The initial delay and then the subsequent limbo of these songs are tragic. Even with the time delay these songs are worth the wait; they are pure bliss. Pick this 7" up now or you'll be missing out.

9.0 / 10Michael • May 12, 2009

Capital – Blind Faith cover artwork
Capital – Blind Faith — Iron Pier/Just a Audial, 2009

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