I think I have whiplash. An incredibly addictive hardcore album with infectious riffs and powerful, gut-wrenching vocals are the best random synonyms for "whoah-kick ass" that I can think of at the moment. The vocals play off the guitars beautifully, and everything in between are seemingly endless chances for innovation that Since By Man capitalize upon nearly every time. Much … Read more
Lately, it has been difficult to read a music magazine with out encountering the statement "(Band X) breaks/pushes the boundaries of typical (Genre Y)" I'm sure somebody has already filled in the variables for this one: X = Since by Man and Y = Hardcore. We Sing the Body Electric is Since by Man's first full-length release after a series … Read more
Remember when hardcore music had more in common with punk bands as opposed to metal ones? Remember when hardcore music was concerned with getting a message out to the people as opposed to figuring out what shirt and bandana to wear with your new kicks? Remember when hardcore lyrics talked about political and social issues as opposed to whining about … Read more
This one didn't immediately catch me like The Rains did. After maybe a half dozen listens, I think I'm starting to get it. I guess my main complaint is that some of the songs sound too similar to each other, but that starts to fade on closer examination. Oh well, first impressions are key often times. I'm also bummed that … Read more
From the first notes of the opener "Farewell Transmission" on the Magnolia Electric Co. experienced Songs: Ohia listeners will immediately pick up on Molina's new direction. On this album, Jason Molina has put aside minimalism in the music of his previous albums and has picked up a steel pedal guitar and has developed a backing band. Molina's melancholy, love-lost crooning … Read more
This is my first Songs: Ohia experience. Outcome? Excellent. Slide guitar, slow to mid-tempo songs, and a sound that can almost be reminiscent to Counting Crows at times (go ahead and flame me), I have found myself going back to this CD more than I expected. The vocals are incredibly laid back and have a vibe that is just incredibly … Read more
After falling in love with songwriter Jason Molina's ensemble last year through the somber and deeply confessional Didn't it Rain, my expectations were set extremely high for both of his 2003 releases, Magnolia Electric Co. and Pyramid Electric Co., which will be released later this year. The first thing that struck me about Magnolia Electric Co. was that it had … Read more
If you are not familiar with the English trio known as South yet, it is my strong opinion that you do so, and quickly. My first exposure to these guys came in the form of the song "Here on in" off of their 2nd record From Here on In. Stylistically the song was simply a cool acoustic song with great … Read more
J Spaceman's life seems to be a never-ending spiral of hard drugs and failed romances, if his records are to be believed. From his early work with the seminal space-rockers Spacemen 3, to the impressive first two Spiritualized records, to the absolutely incredible Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space, to the slightly underwhelming follow-up record Let It Come … Read more
There are few things worse in this world than a record composed by a group of people that are intensely passionate about the contents, but that doesn't live up to the enthusiasm with which it is crafted. Such is the case with the latest release from Stars, the Montreal pop group most widely known for their ties with Broken Social … Read more
Beginning with a short riff-based intro, this record then kicks itself straight into life, inspiring this reviewer to do the same. Exit English, the band's second full-length, shows Strike Anywhere at their fastest, heaviest, and most melodic. The band's political edge on this record is as apparant as ever. Vocalist Thomas: "the songwriting on Exit English has more to do, … Read more
I'm not really sure why Stylex are as unknown as they are. I mean, they do this neo-new-wave (or whatever you call it) thing better than most of the bands that white belted scensters are drooling over (ahem... Hint Hint) these days. If you mention them to anyone from outside the Toledo/BG area, they just blankly stare, or pretend to … Read more
Stylex is going through an identity crisis. After their EP False Start, I was ready for more of the same, great, new-wave dynamite explosion recorded on the compact disc medium. The first song, "Out of Focus," holds a lot in common with that EP. It's loud, chaotic, and moves along at a brisk pace. Unfortunately the rest of the CD … Read more
Electroclash seems to be a genre that died as soon as it was conceived, but that doesn't mean that all music that lies under that categorization is bad. Case in point, Stylex. A mix of instrumental disco punk and digital dance elements aids to the final product that is a fun dance collection. Although I wouldn't call this completely original, … Read more
One of Toledo, OH's most exciting young bands, Stylex, has graced us with a new EP by the name of False Start. I went to the record release yesterday just to pick this cd up. Well to see them too of course but that is how much I wanted to hear it. After their amazing show, I popped this in … Read more
Although this can be said for every state in the Union, Michigan seems to produce two types of people. Extroverts who are either pushing their backwards views on you or calling you names: Michael Moore, Ted Nugent, Eminem, the average Detroit citizen. Introverts are completely different. They move up north, avoid Detroit at all costs, and live their lives, content … Read more
If this album were being reviewed by a sportswriter the scoffing would begin within it's first 10 seconds. "Cassius Clay was hit more than Sonny Liston"...what the hell is this guy talking about? What is he some kind of sports conpiracist? "You're not duping me, Kozelek!" And even though Mark Kozelek seems to have a mild obession with boxers throughout … Read more
I can always tell how much I will spin an album following its first listen. That feeling I had after listening to Hearts of Oak was immeasurable. "The Ballad of the Sin-Eaters" is a song that will instantly make you shake your ass and shout the words even though you don't know them yet because you're listening to it the … Read more
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