And so, our alt-rock heroes in a Perfect Circle return for the second installment, to see if the dreaded sophmore slump can be overcome. The band's first record was one of the last hopes of the dying breed of aggressive guitar-driven radio rock that was received to a fair amount of hoopla, understandably due to a handful of incredible tracks … Read more
I know this band is something-core; I am just not sure which one. With song titles like "Love To Hate, Hate To Me", "The Shooting Star That Destroyed Us All" and "A Song for a Broken Heart", you almost know what to expect. It's got the high-powered crunching guitars, tantrum screams, and wait, what's this? An emotional breakdown with twinkly … Read more
The most fun thing I found with this CD were the song titles. The music itself combines "emo", metalcore, and pop to make something that is radio friendly and "edgy" at the same time. My favorite part about the music is the screaming, but it gets destroyed by the whiney backups that quickly become an ear sore. I don't like … Read more
Tolerable but tossable. This CD is filled with that modern hardcore edge mixed with pop melodies that the kids are going nuts about these days. This is nothing new in anyway, but it does have a few catchy songs. The background singers are sub-par, while the frontman pulls off some decent screams most of the time. If you're a fan … Read more
Living in the Seattle area, I hear a lot about certain bands that are a part of the Seattle music scene. I usually don't take a lot of the local hype too seriously, because a lot of the hype surrounding said bands comes straight from the fact that the band is local. The kids get to go out and see … Read more
I picture AFI as a scale that must be kept even at all times. If you take a checker from one side, you better take one away from the other. On this album, they have gained something, but also lost something else. No more are the bouncy 'whoa-oh' charged anthems, instead they have been replaced with a bit more intelligent … Read more
AFI's newest full length. Since everyone who works on this site has been a member of the AFI community at one time or another, you'd think it'd score 10's. Seems to not be the case so far. I can't say I'll be an exception but that is not to say this record is bad at all. On the contrary actually. … Read more
"Oh my God, my God this can't be happening! AFI has signed to a major!" Is an example of a popular reaction to the announcement last year that that AFI would be releasing their sixth full-length, Sing the Sorrow, on Dreamworks records. Anybody without a huge bias towards the record before it was even released, however, will soon realize that … Read more
A nice hodge-podge of genres. I'm not going to get into the "genre" argument, though. This album is too good to waste a review on that moot point. Anyways, this is the first Against Me! album I've listened to (despite being told to listen to them from various sources), and I must say, it's pretty damn good. The sound is … Read more
Popcorn! Popcorn! The repeated statement of popcorn was one thing that was sorely missed from this album. This was due to the fact that they keyboards for An Albatross sound like the organ that is used at baseball games in the olden days. Then all of a sudden, BAM! The pitcher pegs the hitter in the side. The man with … Read more
I'll keep this short so you kids will understand me. I want the time back I spent listening to this. I feel cheated, robbed, and insulted. This is neither fun nor funny. It's devoid of any worth. It's stupid, it's banal, it's bland. So why does it get a 1.3? Two reasons: one point for not being pop-punk, a point … Read more
Weird, artsy, dark hardcore was nothing new to San Diego in 1994 when Antioch Arrow released their seminal masterwork, Gems of Masochism. The presses had been putting out consistently darker and stranger albums each passing year, mostly thanks to upstarts Gravity Records. Gravity had bands that were few and far between, but things were on the upswing, as Angel Hair's … Read more
Combining the hardness of nu metal and the catchiness of pop punk, metalcore has been created. Similar to the way ska died, and everybody moved to the pop punk, perhaps this is the new installment in music that will make kids feel "underground" without having to go any further than the local Hot Topic. Walk no further than a Tower … Read more
"Atmosphere finally made a good record, yeah right, that shit almost sounds convincing...." Almost. Actually, not at all. Sometimes underground hip hop boggles my mind. I'll admit, there are lots of great artists that remain 'underground' or at least avoid regular MTV video rotation and major success. Not to say that either being hugely successful or "staying true to the … Read more
First reactions as much as they shouldn't matter, really in fact do. For the most part, the first reaction with a band is hearing/reading their name, and from this name their sound can even sometimes be derived. Whereas post rock instrumental bands have names that contain at least four words, hardcore bands are usually only one. With a name like … Read more
I'm glad I got into this album before seeing Black Eyes' live show, because I would have been very unimpressed with the album after witnessing the insanity of their first show in Omaha. They nearly tore the ceiling off that tiny basement, and it was a nigh-religious experience. It's hard to believe that their first full-length, the s/t on Dischord, … Read more
In a time where skate boarding is about as punk rock as a walk through Disneyland, where skateboarding movie soundtracks are infiltrated by hip hop and pop punk, Bones Brigade skids in just in time to skate hard and rock even harder. Everything about this will make you want to get off your ass and plunge down a hill, unless … Read more
I am not one who can sit down and listen to a record that is just acoustic guitar and vocals. Call me shallow but, playing in Symphony Orchestras and the such has made me a sucker for instrumentation. The closest I come to such minimalistic music is Songs: Ohia's Didn't It Rain and some of the older Against Me! stuff. … Read more
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