Gaza's debut full length I Don't Care Where I Go When I Die is stark and uncompromising. When there are too many black metal bands gaining notoriety with gimmicky "evil," Gaza's work exposes the dark, cancerous, masochistic underbelly of America and by extension, human nature. But this isn't some subversive highbrow "art-core" with subtle references to Neitschzean melodrama - this … Read more
Continuing where 2009s He Is Never Coming Back left off, Gaza move forward as a band whilst remaining true to their core values as a dangerous and destructive entity. No Absolutes in Human Suffering is a monumental and much matured work, with Gaza finding their space as a group with something important to say whilst focusing their aggression in a … Read more
I really don’t know much about Gee Tee, and sometimes when writing a review I like to keep it that way to let the music speak for itself. Speaking broadly, Gee Tee’s sound is classic rock ‘n’ roll, rooted in swagger, sway, energy, and attitude, but with a big dose of keyboard. Guitar is the star of the show, with … Read more
Before we get into this, there is always the question that you have to ask yourself; and, with Gehenna, it is a wholly legitimate question that will in a very real sense determine your take on bands or music such as this because, truthfully, this is some of the dirtiest smack of reality and desperation that you probably would ever … Read more
What a weird mix (sound wise this is really thin sounding without much bottom end) for the opening track to a record because I really was hoping to be immediately crushed by Geisha's Die Verbrechen der Liebe, and instead, "Prelude to Amber Pays the Rent" is a bit of thin riffage being pushed through a thick haze of white noise, … Read more
Noise is a funny term. Not "ha ha" funny, but highly prone to linguistic slippage: its connotations cover everything from the stylized squawk of Lightning Bolt to the Pacific Rim blasts of Incapacitants or Masonna. The mutant term "noisecore" has been beaten virtually beyond recognition, referring to everything from the nitroglycerin airbursts of World and Final Exit to the unrelated … Read more
When Aussie hardcore troupe Geld held a launch party for their previous album Perfect Textures two years ago they played, among other things, some cover songs from Hawkwind and Sick of it All. According to their label Iron Lung Records the band will have a digital launch of their brand new lp Beyond the Floor and cover songs this time … Read more
Geld’s Perfect Texture is 11 tracks, 23 minutes, 41 seconds: walloping wallaby! I feel like I’m back in my initial stomping grounds of Lethbridge, Alberta, a place that must exist in Geld's stomping grounds of Melbourne, Australia. Back in Canada’s Loyal Order of the Moose community hall, standing in an awkward half circle, ceiling too high, among their powerful nasty … Read more
Each morning as I make my way to work, I find myself flipping through the various local radio stations and select one based upon my mood. If I am feeling that I need a jolt to get me going I may stop on a college station; they're great for punk and metal even at 5:30 AM. But if, on the … Read more
There is no doubt that Menace Ruine is a pioneering force in the extreme music space. The Quebec-based duo of Geneviève Beaulieu and S. de la Moth honed their avant-garde sound by encapsulating components of drone, neo-folk, and tinges of black metal. This unique mix resulted in some of the seminal works of the ‘10s, particularly Alight In Ashes and … Read more
Genghis Tron occupies a very precarious place in the world of music. Unlike most "polarizing" bands like The Locust or Blut Aus Nord, Genghis Tron does not have a "demographic" to appeal to. And let me explain. Genghis Tron is a three-piece synth-riding experimental metal band. Or, on the other hand, you could just as easily call them a blast-beat … Read more
Genghis Tron is something of an anomaly in the world of music. On their Myspace site they list themselves as Grind/Electro/Metal, which is a pretty disconcerting declaration to some. It sounds a bit off-putting, like a botched crossbreeding that has yielded mentally handicapped offspring in the form of songs that should have never been written. That's the way it usually … Read more
Wow. These guys really hate Jesus. Well, I mean, they seem to hate a lot of things but they really hate Jesus. This is Genocide. Don't confuse them with the twenty-four, yes, twenty-four other bands called Genocide; this is the three guys from Germany with corpse paint. Not to be confused with the Genocide from Finland which was only two … Read more
Apparently, Gentlemen Rogues don’t like stupid-looking hats. I am not sure what constitutes a stupid-looking hat, but I imagine a loud purple fedora adorned with a pink band around it and maybe a fake feather to compliment it. I have to point out that long-distance relationships rarely work when combined with international love connections. Didn’t you watch 90 Day Fiance!. … Read more
The Germ project has been in some form or another for quite some time yet the first record (Wish) from this Tim Yatras production only saw the light of day this year. It’s surprising then, that an EP should follow Wish quite so quickly, yet here we are with the melancholic yet strangely uplifting sounds of Loss on our hands. … Read more
I guess I'm really spoiled living in New England and all. Being so close to Massachusetts, and not a far cry from New York City, it's almost impossible not to catch any up and coming hardcore act. Hell I don't even have to leave my home state of Connecticut to see a fair number of the heavy weights that reside … Read more
Raise your hands if you've ever spent time as a teenager, on the brink of stepping out into the world at large, uncertain of what awaits you. Keep those hands up if you've ever questioned your place in that world, not just on a personal level, but if you've ever wondered what you can do to affect what's around you. … Read more
Choose Your Own Adventure is the latest offering from Midwestern hardcore punk four-piece Get Rad.“Be the Wave” is the first track. Seeing as how Get Rad is from Milwaukee, WI I’m not convinced the song is about surfing though. I suppose it could be a metaphor for skateboarding. Perhaps the wave is actually made of concrete? That means if you … Read more
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