Farewell Continental went great lengths to keep their members secret for some time. While not anywhere close to a secret anymore the band divorce themselves in a big way from their day jobs. While their main gig may act as signs of what you would get it doesn't quite prepare the listener for what is to come upon popping the … Read more
Smash Singles collects all previous releases of Fashionism. Four singles to be precise (released between 2015 and 2017): Smash The State (With Your Face), Quit Looking At The Time, Suicide and Back In The Day. As a bonus the tracks "Weekend" and "Baby She's Gone" are included here as well. That last song is also the b-side of Come On … Read more
It's hard to categorize female-fronted, Fat Shadow. They blend a mix of indie-rock with late 60s-psychedelia, while bleeding over into punk-rock as well. They do a pretty fine job of it, no doubt. The band's debut full length, Foot of Love, is bringing back a sound and tweaking it into something quite satisfying.The first half of the album is new … Read more
I saw Father John Misty in concert about two years ago. Josh Tillman sauntered onto stage in an all-white suit—wild and mustachioed—advertising the caricature of a drug-addled, disillusioned troubadour that he had created for himself. He lit a cigarette almost immediately and somehow, in the carcinogenic chokehold, sang in a way that sent shudders through every vertebrate in Terminal 5. … Read more
The mysterious figure of Father Murphy appeared as a spectre in the early '00s. Formed by, as the band claims, its children Freddie Murphy and Chiara Lee, the Italy based band has created a mystique around their musical investigations. Through the years, the figure of Father Murphy has remained elusive. Through the different records and EPs various facades have been … Read more
The opening track on Somehow, We Are Here is a statement. Yes, Faulty Cognitions is a punk band with members of Low Culture, Shang-A-Lang, Nocturnal Prose,and more. Yes, this shares a lot of commonalities, but it’s also a new band with a new sound. The band humbly says they were going for an early, jangly R.E.M. vibe but self-confess that … Read more
Transatlantic noise laden mathgrind power trio Fawn Limbs are back with fresh material. What could they possibly have in store this time around? Their prolific catalogue reaches a true high point with their ninth release, Darwin Falls. Physically following in the footsteps of Sleeper Vessels, while aesthetically and spiritually in those of Thrum, Darwin Falls sees the band stepping into … Read more
Damn, is there a trend going on with single member bands or am I just now picking up on this long running reality? Fear Falls Burning is the prolific lo-fi post-rock vehicle for Vidna Obmana (the musical pseudonym for one Dirk Serries). A mostly improvisational project, Fear Falls Burning give Frenzy of the Absolute as one of many LP's which … Read more
Feed The Cat is skatepunk band from Toulouse, France. Never Press Rewind, Except… is their second release after the EP Kick The Fat. Their sound is undeniably skatepunk. For some reason I'm reminded of Smartbomb. Not the most well known of all skatepunk bands, but Feed The Cat has the same vibe. Musically it's slightly different though. Skatepunk in my … Read more
I really hate being heavily reliant on comparisons to past work in order to form a judgement, but in the case of Paul D'Amour (aka Feersum Ennjin), it's hard not to. As the former bassist for Tool, one of most prolific and undeniably best progressive bands today, it's difficult to take him on his own terms and out from under … Read more
Feersum Ennjin is the work of essentially one man with the assistance of a few close friends. All the songs were written by former Tool bassist Paul D'Amour, who has been floating around from project to project since his departure in late 1995. But before you Tool fans get too excited, it is my duty to inform you that the … Read more
Every now and then, there is a singer that catches your ear with a beautiful, unique voice. In 2004, Leslie Feist was that person when she released her solo album, Let it Die, to international acclaim. She has returned to form this year with her new album, The Reminder, a collection of songs that focuses more on the uniqueness of … Read more
It's refreshing to put in a hip-hop disc and not have it bogged down with guest spots featured on every track. In fact, none of the songs on Felt 3: A Tribute to Rosie Perez have any star appearances - besides the rapping duo of Slug (Atmosphere) and Murs, combined with producer, Aesop Roc - as the pair returns with … Read more
I’ll admit I haven’t listened to much Atmosphere in recent years. But what I’ve heard of the new stuff, it’s more introspective and chill, as if Slug is content to ride in the passenger seat and look out the window instead of driving the car. It has a little less punch -– which is totally fine -– it’s his art … Read more
My inner monologue: "Okay, this is your first review for the site. I should probably sound cool so I can get everybody's attention. Maybe I should start off by saying something really offensive. Yeah, let's do that. That always works. Hey, but remember that time you wrote that really offensive article on why you think the Asian diet consists purely … Read more
Feral Kizzy’s new album Slick Little Girl was easy for me to like. I am a big fan of new wave, glam rock, and dark ‘80s music, so I was easily seduced by our obviously shared tastes. I immediately caught the Lou Reed reference of the title (lyrics from “Make Up” off the Transformer album). I love me some Lou, … Read more
From what I understand, Feverdreams is a solo project. The press sheet lauds the album, Words and Music, for its mysterious soundscapes and noisy drone. However, I found something quite different. The "soundscapes" - I'm still not sure they are mysterious. I hardly heard the "drone." A little confused by this, I decided to empty my head of the press … Read more
Few and the Proud really needs no introduction other than the fact that they are, and always will be, straightedge. The lyrics insert makes the claim that "a new era has begun," but more on that later. The record begins with the intro "Trampled." And by the time it was over, I was sure this record was going to be … Read more
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