Grindcore is tough genre to single most bands out of. There are standouts like Napalm Death and heirs to the throne like Misery Index (I know not just a grind band). Still beyond the few acts that truly stick themselves out above the scum there is little definition within the ranks. So in a way this makes any band doing … Read more
Perhaps this is a bit of a stretch, but I've always found the careers of both AFI and the Flaming Lips to be rather similar in numerous respects. Both started off as bands long before their time of popularity and mainstream attention, both have a rabid (as well as strongly divided) fan base, and both bands sound a lot better … Read more
As a zine built on the foundation of loving AFI, it would clearly be remiss not to talk about their new record. We try to pretend that Decemberunderground and Crash Love never happened - the first rule of AFI fandom is.... - but it would be silly to think that AFI made it to Burials without having to go through … Read more
Album number eight from the band now renowned for their genre-shifting and reinvention. Three years in the making, three producers in the studio, and twelve tracks long (given the band's penchant for Lost-esque symbolism, there's probably some deep significance to these numbers). What new style will be unveiled with Crash Love? Nothing too thrilling, is the answer. Opener "Torch Song" … Read more
When I heard California's After described to me with phrases like "Soundgarden meets Rush" and "progressive pop", I knew I had to give them a try. Any band willing to reach back and recapture some of the classic rock sound that you just can't hear today definitely gets my interest, and I gave this EP a listen as soon as … Read more
After Oblivion have an extremely modest discography under their belt—a debut EP and that same EP repackaged in a split album. I suppose that this should have tipped me off that After Oblivion weren't necessarily up to snuff yet, but I can't help but feel after listening to Vultures that I went into this particular EP with my expectations too … Read more
As far as melodic punk goes, After the Fall are very good at what they do. They play a fast, aggressive style of punk that's similar to bands like Propagandhi, Good Riddance, and A Wilhelm Scream. Influence from said bands is evident on first listen to this record. In fact, they pay homage to their influences in some of the … Read more
While this is not a particularly good album, as a band After The Last Sky does possess some promising attributes. It takes only one listen to realize they are undoubtedly talented musicians. A fact that is not surprising, considering the rate at which they genre-hop their way through There’s No Light at the End of This Tunnel. The two axe-slingers … Read more
As Death Cab for Cutie becomes the mainstream poster boy for indie rock, groups like Dilated Peoples and Atmosphere have become the indie hip hop equivalent. Afterthought seems to ride the line between the mainstream and indie hip-hop sound, wearing the backpack with one strap on, one off, and a drink in his hand. Take It or Leave It is … Read more
A nice hodge-podge of genres. I'm not going to get into the "genre" argument, though. This album is too good to waste a review on that moot point. Anyways, this is the first Against Me! album I've listened to (despite being told to listen to them from various sources), and I must say, it's pretty damn good. The sound is … Read more
There have been a few instances that I've gotten pretty pissed off at bands. When Modern Life Is War told the audience that it was a privilege for our small college town to be able to see Converge, I was pretty pissed off, as in all actuality, it is always a privilege for a band to show up to a … Read more
Music fans are fucking assholes. For those of us in the world who obsess about music, we fail to realize this one fact. We can be incredibly annoying. We can be demanding. We can influence the musical and aesthetic choices a band makes simply because they want to please us, the musical consumers, so they can continue "doing what they … Read more
I feel a bit silly for reviewing this since it's basically just the original versions of songs from my favorite Against Me! album, As the Eternal Cowboy, but I thought it would be interesting to hear rougher versions of songs on that album to see how different they are from the final product. The Original Cowboy was recorded before they … Read more
It's been a long time coming, but Against Me! have finally released their sixth album, Transgender Dysphoria Blues. It packs a hit harder than previous records. It's loud. It's powerful. It's full on rock 'n' roll! It took awhile for them to finally get the record to take off. Original recordings weren't cutting it which prompted the band to head … Read more
Agalloch formed in the mid to late 1990's as a studio project of sorts and have actually maintained that distinction for the most part, as they seem to play very infrequently and undertake little touring. Ashes Against the Grain is the third full-length from this outfit and represents a further evolution in their recorded output. "Limbs" opens with a reserved … Read more
Portland, Oregon (and beyond) and Agalloch have long been held in high regard as being at the forefront of the much-loved Cascadian black metal movement. With bands like Wolves In The Throne Room, Skagos and the oft-cited as hugely influential, Weakling as peers and a curiously under-appreciated record in 2010s Marrow of the Spirit, Agalloch have much to prove with … Read more
I know many of you out there don't remember the grunge explosion of the early to middle 90's. After Nirvana's "sudden" success, major labels swooped down on the rain drenched city of Seattle and signed everyone from Soundgarden to Seaweed in hope that maybe their label would find another alternative rock goldmine to strip for all its worth. Well, for … Read more
The background of this band shouldn't need explaining - if you're at all tuned in to the world of grindcore and other extreme music styles, you've probably already heard Agoraphobic Nosebleed. If you haven't, just imagine the most obnoxious and abrasive mixture of lyrical obscenity and overdriven drum machine lunacy you can fathom, and that should suffice for now. The … Read more
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