Review type: Review

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Cry Babe

Fell In Love With A Spirit 7”
Drunk Dial Records (2020)

When I was assigned this 7” from Drunk Dial Records, the name of the label caused me to assume it would be a skatepunk album. Why? I’m not totally sure. I couldn’t have been more wrong, though, and was surprised upon listening to Drunk Dial #5, the Fell in Love With A Spirit 7” by the band Cry Babe.This dream … Read more


Drag Me Under
Square of Opposition (2016)

Crybaby are one of those punk bands where you could fill a review with subgenre tags and namedrops and every review would pick a different one to highlight. There’s a lot of stylistic variance, a lot of influence, but it comes together as Crybaby instead of some hyphenated slurry of ‘90s and ’00s bands. Instead, I’ll just say it’s DIY … Read more

Crypt Sermon

The Ruins of Fading Light
Dark Descent Records (2019)

The evolution of a band is something that most of us can comprehend through their musical output and live appearances and where most bands evolve quite publicly, there are some that build on their creations behind the scenes and the fruits of their labour are only heard when new music is released. Crypt Sermon are one such band, who came … Read more

Crystal Antlers

Crystal Antlers
Touch & Go (2008)

1. This is soundtrack music. I couldn't hear it at all until I took a drive through the hills, windows down at night, blaring this EP to stay awake until I got home. I put it on because all I could hear in it was THE KIND OF SHIT TO WHICH YOU CANNOT FALL SLEEP. Which I more or less … Read more

Crystal Fairy

Crystal Fairy
Ipecac (2017)

Buzz Osbourne has nothing left to prove. His band, Melvins have sustained the ravages of time and, perhaps even more impressively, the ravages of the music industry. Next year will mark the 30th anniversary of Melvins' first album and within that time frame there has been few artists as prolific as Osbourne, whether it's with Melvins, or Venemous Concept, or … Read more


Motivesounds (2005)

I used to hate 'ctrl,' 'alt,' and 'delete.' Used in succession, it only meant one thing - reboot. That's right! Your computer is fucked and there is nothing you can do. Accept defeat and hit those keys. Anything you were working on is lost forever. But now, I'm kind of fond of them. UK post-rock trio Ctrlaltdelete has redefined those … Read more

Cub Country

Stretch That Skull Cover and Smile
Future Farmer (2009)

I honestly did not think that Jeremy Chatelain was still active as Cub Country seeing as how it has been some time since his last record, Stay Poor, Stay Happy back in 2004. But here we have Stretch That Skull Cover and Smile as proof that Cub Country is still alive and kicking. Cub Country is the alt-country project of … Read more


Toxic Vision
Deranged (2011)

You’d certainly be forgiven if, like me, you initially assumed Cülo were a Hispanic punk band. I was told they hail from Chicago, IL—a place known for having one the most heavily Latino-populated hardcore scenes in the country—and, well, their name is, after all, a Spanish word. Upon hearing their first 7”, Nuke Abuse, I quickly realized that all the … Read more

Cult of Luna

A Dawn to Fear
Metal Blade (2019)

There is something incredibly special about Cult of Luna - no other band can touch their ability to meld weight with melancholy or aggression with melody - and the Swedish band has created many such beautiful moments on their eighth full-length (seven as Cult of Luna and one collaboration) since their inception over two decades ago. A Dawn to Fear … Read more

Cult of Luna

Eternal Kingdom
Earache (2008)

After four albums of progressive refinement of their compositional abilities, sound, themes, and overall work, Cult of Luna is releasing their fifth and latest full-length, Eternal Kingdom on an increasingly rabid following of people who enjoy their records. Again this new record links its songs thematically in a cycle that deals with the world of a murdering lunatic of whom … Read more

Cult of Luna

The Long Road North
Metal Blade (2022)

It’s always a joy to learn Cult of Luna will be releasing something new and as the Swedes have proved time and time again, their passion for their craft is far from waning. Through atmospheric post-metal, the band create textures that range from heightened drama to serene vocal passages to incandescent rage on a journey towards the cold stars of … Read more

Cult Ritual

Cult Ritual
Youth Attack (2009)

Before I begin, let me get this off my chest: I wasn't a big fan of Cult Ritual's EPs. I don't mean to offend. It's very possible that the glowing reviews from punk blogs across the web had me convinced that I was about to experience some sort of musical enlightenment. Listening to Cult Ritual would somehow turn my life … Read more


Ipecac (2019)

Calling your band “Cunts” and releasing some sort of grindcore or blackened death album wouldn’t really be a big shocker. It wouldn’t take a whole lot of balls or thought to do. But calling your band Cunts and releasing a more-melodic-than-extreme hardcore album complete with a Tom Waits cover takes a little bit more ingenuity.Comprised of Retox twinsies Michael Crain … Read more


Blackout at Sunrise
Goodfellow (2007)

Cursed are one of those hardcore/punk bands that are genuinely worth people's time and attention. Their music is vicious, honest, and gloriously consistent. The lyrics are both personal and politically driven. One could almost say that topically there is something for everyone, particularly for those into heavy punk rock and hardcore. Every record that they release is almost guaranteed to … Read more


Goodfellow (2005)

Cursed - the movie or the band? Well considering one is likely a story lifted from a Goosebumps book and transferred to the filmscreen, I don't really think there's much up for debate. I can guarantee you that Cursed, the band, will not just entertain you but will knock you to the floor with their intense hybrid of hardcore, punk … Read more


Goodfellow (2008)

Finally, I seriously have been waiting for this album since Cursed released last year's furious EP, Blackout at Sunrise. No, scratch that because the wait has been going since I listened to II (their obviously titled second album), and while Blackout at Sunrise was a bit of a tease and served to get listeners through until III. Cursed lay down … Read more


I Am Gemini
Saddle Creek (2012)

Oh, our beloved Cursive--shall we never hear another Ugly Organ from you? No, we shall not, so stop asking for one. For three albums now, Cursive have been bounded to their undeniable masterpiece, The Ugly Organ, and have been expected to reach that plateau with each subsequent release. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't one of those fans, … Read more


Mama, I'm Swollen
Saddle Creek (2009)

I first got the chance to interview Tim Kasher directly after the release of Cursive's Happy Hollow. A friend and I drove two and a half hours to Buffalo, NY and caught up with the band in the lobby of a Best Western Express not far from the venue. Their tour manager told us that they needed to soundcheck soon, … Read more