When I first came across Castevet’s debut album I was hooked with their sound. The hybrid post metal/black metal band was very innovative with their musical structures and their complex, outside of the box thinking when it came to their technical side were just some of the highlights of Mounds of Ash. Unfortunately back then; the other release of the … Read more
Imagine that your favorite modern hardcore band hopped into Doc Brown’s DeLorean and ended up in 1982. Upon arriving, they decided to start over and carry their same ferocious messages with the spirit of New Wave music percolating the airwaves at the time. Does that sound appealing? Then you’ll love Casual Burn’s most recent release, Mean Thing.The band has a … Read more
As Forrest Gump so nearly once said, "Cat Power is a lot like a box of chocolates..." From the disparities in her albums, songs ranging from the brilliant to the banal, her now infamous appearances in the live arena, and her erratic behavior that somehow seems to tag along behind her from time to time; it's true. With Cat Power, … Read more
Heavy metal and I have been struggling through a rocky love affair since I was thirteen years old. Aside from a few exceptions, metal in the 21st century has been rather disappointing. The most encouraging thing that I can say about Cataract is that their hearts are definitely in the right place. Kingdom begins with an intro that sounds dangerously … Read more
If you are into doom, stoner, or sludge metal and you don't know who Cathedral is, you fail at life. For the sonically impaired, Cathedral are one of the progenitors of the modern doom and stoner metal movement. They have released some of the most enjoyable records of these genres in their lengthy existence. Their first album, Forest of Equilibrium … Read more
Well what can you say about a group like Cattle Decapitation? First and foremostââ¬Â¦they're not emo. Secondly, they have a new album out called Karma. Bloody. Karma, and thirdlyââ¬Â¦it's one of the best albums of the year. One of the most criminally underrated bands on the grind/gore-core scene should finally get their due. Underrated because let's face it, the genre … Read more
For the sake of this review i will make wild and sweeping generalizations regarding the death metal genre so be warned.There seem to be 2 pervasive schools of thought in modern metal. The first rides the coattails of the old school Death Metal genre. clutching onto the first 3 Entombed LPs and early Morbid Angel records. The other is deftly … Read more
Caught in a Trap are four, to a certain extent, hefty dudes with beards playing distinctive NYHC styled hardcore which really come as no surprise since they reside in both Brooklyn and Queens. If by some reason you don't know what NYHC sounds like, imagine tough metallic riffs placed over frenetic drumming where everyone in attendance tries to kill each … Read more
The only phrase that could describe my emotion right now is absolutely gushing, because “Inflatable Dream” is finally playing on my record player after years of obscurity as the “lost” Cave In song that blows away many other Cave In songs, and dear lord does its blasting goodness just make my 1999 barely twenty year old self scream like a … Read more
About a year and a half about I was fortunate enough to catch a Cave In performance at which they debuted a handful of new songs, many of which made their way onto this release. When they played these new songs, they were sprinkled about a set-list of recent songs from Jupiter and Antenna as well as old jams from … Read more
Cave In is back! Yes! The band makes its comeback known with the four-track twelve inch EP, Planets of Old, much to the excitement of long time fans and those that have yet to experience the four piece outfit (with drummer JR Connors rejoining the fold). Considering the chameleon like shifting of the band's sound over the years, the question … Read more
Generally speaking, I’ve spent a lot of time the past half-decade (or maybe decade) listening to two subsets of DIY punk: gruff melodic three-chord arrangements, and pop-punk with soaring melodic layers. I won’t say I limit myself to that by a long shot, but it’s sort of what I gravitate toward. Caves are a UK band that fall somewhere on … Read more
I’d call Caves frantic punk rock, if not for the title track on Betterment actually being a casual acoustic affair. Other than that song, though, the eleven songs on the UK’s band’s latest offering are non-stop energy, complemented by vocal trade-offs, relentless percussion, and a whole lot of screaming. The press sheet drops the term “urgent,” and it’s precisely that, … Read more
Cavity is another one of those criminally underrated bands that toiled for years in obscurity while a select few found that the group and their down tuned Sabbath-influenced mayhem was a great mix of punishing volumes, squealing feedback, and strong rhythms that was quite different from the norm at the time in punk and hardcore circles - which is where … Read more
Normally when I hear obvious shades of the 1990s, my first thought is straight from an ad campaign of the era: been there, done that. It’s an oversimplification, but you get the point. The real problem is mimicry instead of taking influence. Cayetana have some clear influences from the alt rock of my formative years, but they’re ultimately set in … Read more
Celan is an intriguing collection of musicians that is comprised of members of Unsane, Oxbow, Einsturzende Neubauten, and others. Just reading the list of collaborators and knowing their other work definitely forces individuals to take notice as well as wonder at the possibilities of just what this particular effort might be capable of creating. Halo is the debut album from … Read more
As the album begins, following a Twin Peaks sample, the guitars build in a familiar punk chord progression with some post-hardcore flair. At about the one-minute mark, you know the vocals are going to kick in, and you half expect a group “Hey!” That’s not quite how it goes, but the vocals are emphatic and punchy with a similar syncopation … Read more
There are a few music "fans" that may be in denial, but I think most schooled individuals can attest that there is a tremendous dearth of great hardcore bands out there. There are a few more bands that could be classified as "good" and then a seemingly infinite number of shitty ones. Celebrity Murders is a great band and Time … Read more
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