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Bright Calm Blue

Direct Approach for Casual Conversation
Level Plane (2003)

It was bound to happen sooner or later. I've come across a band that doesn't really sway me one way or the other, and that I really don't have much to say about. The whole thing is very DC-esque, with the attack element of Fugazi and Jawbox, combined with the quirkier elements of bands like Q and Not U, the … Read more

Bright Eyes

Saddle Creek (2007)

In what's seemingly an attempt to depart from the boy wonder tagline which has chased him his entire career, Conor Oberst takes on a more mature tone with Cassadaga, the latest of his half a dozen plus releases. This album sees Bright Eyes, now consisting of the aforementioned Oberst, Nate Walcott and Mike Mogis, devoid of the introspective, angst ridden, … Read more

Bright Eyes

Digital Ash in a Digital Urn
Saddle Creek (2005)

Digital Ash in a Digital Urn appears to be out of character for Conor Oberst. He incorporates heavy beats and samples that force his signature acoustic guitar into the closet. The initial shock caused me to put the album away for a month, because I thought it was such an immense departure from his previous albums. I pulled it out … Read more

Bright Eyes

I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
Saddle Creek (2005)

The morning is generally associated with hope and rebirth. Leave it up to sad-eyed pessimist Conor Oberst to reverse this symbol in I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning . Now the morning reveals all the clandestine secrets that lurk in the dark, all the secrets forgotten from a drunken night of destruction bask and glimmer in the sunlight. It brings consequences … Read more

Bright Eyes

Lua / Take It Easy
Saddle Creek (2004)

Writing, recording, and releasing the "emo opus." Selling roughly around 175,000 units of that opus. Playing on late-night talk shows while maintaing indie-label status. Being courted by every major under the sun and being able to turn them down non-chalantly. Making out with Winona Ryder. These are just a few of the things that would have happened to you in … Read more

Bright Eyes

Noise Floor (Rarities: 1998-2005)
Saddle Creek (2006)

If I had a bunch of superfans crocheting armwarmers for me I could sell my half-assed b-sides just like Connor Oberst. Connor/Imaginary Successful Me: Remember that song we made when we were drunk and then that girl came over? And that one where I was learning how to make drum sounds on my iMac but we got drunk and that … Read more

Bright Eyes

The People's Key
Saddle Creek (2011)

When word broke out that Bright Eyes would be writing one final album before retiring the moniker—expectations were set pretty high. Since then, the band has retracted that statement. However, if The People’s Key ends up being the last we hear of Bright Eyes, then they conclude the story with a highly refined final chapter.The album opens with the first … Read more

Bright Eyes & Neva Dinova

One Jug of Wine, Two Vessels
Crank (2004)

Pop quiz hotshot: You re in a mediocre rock band from Omaha whose fan base does not exceed the city limits. You have glorious dreams of standing on stage with brilliant lights illuminating your pale face. The idea of having awestruck roadies set up your equipment while you sip on Heineken's backstage makes you quiver. You have the drive, you … Read more

British Sea Power

Open Season
Rough Trade (2005)

2005 has been a good year for British bands so far; it seems that for the first time since Brit-Pop that British artists are cracking the American market with the likes of The Bloc Party and The Kaiser Chiefs getting play listings left, right and centre. With the follow up to their brilliantly titled debut The Decline of British Sea … Read more

Broadcast Sea

Wounded Soldier
Pluto (2008)

Wounded Soldier might be a concept album of sorts since its lyrical compositions are full of themes dealing with the experiences of the brother of Broadcast Sea's vocalist and guitarist, Sterling Wilson, while he serves time as a soldier in Iraq. So right off the bat, Broadcast Sea might present one heavy album. Even though the band is not generally … Read more

Broadway Calls

Broadway Calls
State of Mind (2007)

The term "pop-punk" has been really batted around in 2007. It has been used describe every band from Set Your Goals (wrong) to The Ergs (right) and now we have Broadway Calls, an Oregon outfit who straddles the line of pop-punk but strays closer to the power pop side of the equation. When I listen to their self-titled album for … Read more

Broadway Calls

No Sleep (2013)

Broadway Calls has been around the pop punk scene for quite a while, originally hailing from Rainier, Oregon and now based in L.A., they have been a fixture on the tour circuit since 2005 and when a band tours as hard and as frequently as these guys you can usually hear it in how well they play together and this … Read more

Broadway Calls

Good Views, Bad News
Side One Dummy (2009)

It has been two years since Broadway Calls last graced us with a full-length release. But in that time the band has been keeping busy. Their last record caught the ear of Adeline Records, who re-released it, as well as the excellent split 7" with Teenage Bottlerocket last year. In addition, the Oregon trio has kept to the road including … Read more

Broadway Calls

Sad in the City
Red Scare Industries (2020)

Sad in the City doesn’t mince words. Opening with the lines of “If my country collapses/ can I crash on your couch…” in “Never Take Us Alive.” The band play super melodic pop-punk that focuses more on singalong harmonies than kick, punch and bite, but the lyrics give a little more attitude than you might guess just listening to the … Read more

Broken Gold

Recovery Journal
Volcom (2011)

When a band names their record Recovery Journal it should come as no surprise that the dominant impression is one of earnestness. Broken Gold is the Riverboat Gamblers’ guitarist Ian MacDougall’s project, drawing from varied personal experiences with recurring themes of alienation, heartbreak, and addiction—some drawn from his experiences after his bicycle was hit by a car in October 2009, … Read more

Broken Heroes

This Is Oi!
Skinflint (2012)

I am not the most qualified reviewer when it comes to modern-day Oi! music. Yes, I am familiar with the genre in general—I still spin The 4 Skins, The Business, The Oppressed, Blitz, or Sham 69 from time to time, and Cock Sparrer is the one band that has never been deleted from any of my iPods—but for the most … Read more

Broken Poets

Optimism in E Minor
Wordvendor (2006)

Broken Poets' lead singer/songwriter dynamo, Tim McDonald, is truly the voice of the average American male in that his songwriting, melodies, and vocal delivery are completely, uh, average. Just don't tell him that. Nearly every part of this album feels equal parts contrived and self-important "" the album name (only two of the twelve songs are actually in E Minor), … Read more

Broken Prayer

Misanthropocentric AKA Droid's Blood
Sorry State (2015)

I incorrectly said this band was from North Carolina when I talked about their last record, when in fact they’re from Chicago. So I’d like to take a moment to say I’m sorry to Broken Prayer. (Up until recently I had a tendency to assume that every band on Sorry State was from North Carolina.) Another thing I said about … Read more