Review type: Review

4847 total reviews — Page 22 of 270


Top Button, Bottom Shelf
Black Numbers (2011)

New Jersey might get a lot of crap for being such an unlovable state, but Banquets is keeping the Jersey music scene fresh and alive with their debut album Top Button, Bottom Shelf. It’s pretty easy to get lost and washed away in the midst of melodic pop-punk bands, but Banquets sits on the shores by proving themselves to be … Read more


Beacon of Faith
Southern Lord (2018)

Canadian hardcore is a weirdly veiled style. Like Canadian politics, it is highly deferential, often distinctly so. This means it both blends in with previous hardcore styles at the same time it writes original sounding songs, and it sounds highly derivative and mediocre despite the musician’s individual skill. Split in so many contradictory directions, Baptists newest release, Beacon of Faith, … Read more


Southern Lord (2014)

Now that was intense! Having listened to the new Baptists full-length multiple times I still cannot get enough of it. The crust of Baptists is rapid and exciting, filled with violence and oppressed anger. The band from Canada is releasing their second album, Bloodmines, just one year after their debut album, Bushcraft, was out. And since everything seemed to be … Read more


Southern Lord (2013)

Crusty hardcore is making a sort of renaissance as of late. With more and more bands playing the basics and still more adding the style to their more broad repertoire it can make it harder and harder to pick a truly great example of the genre as opposed to a band that merely does it well.2 years ago Vancouvers' Baptists … Read more

Bar Kokhba

Lucifer: Book of Angels Vol. 10
Tzadik (2008)

On the heels of Xaphan: Book of Angels Vol. 9 (well, preceding it, if you wanna get all chronological with the release dates) we have Lucifer: Book of Angels Vol. 10, the most well known of the fallen angels of which all previous volumes are titled. Presenting this latest group of John Zorn compositions is Bar Kokhba, an ensemble of … Read more

Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra

Nova Era
Satelite K Records (2020)

Nova Era is a sweet journey through the olden Balkan ethos that permeates this region, of which I also happen to be a part of. Of course, I have certain biases that will come to light through the course of this review, but do not let that discourage you from delving into these sounds in any way. Barcelona Gipsy Balkan … Read more


The Virtuous Purge
Gilead Media (2014)

This black metal act from Louisiana continues to spread destruction and devastation. Barghest released their debut album back in 2011, unleashing an echoing shout of misanthropy and obliteration. After their self-titled album, the band put out a split EP with fellow black metal act, False, which also marked their first work for Gilead Media. So now the band carries on … Read more

Bark Bark Bark

Retard Disco (2007)

Jacob Cooper, the solo man of Bark Bark Bark, is quite an ambitious fellow. Though, I regret to say that his ambitions don't take him that far. Bark Bark Bark is an electronic effort fused together by "synthesizers and keyboards, borrowed musical equipment, and sampled cuts and clicks." Look a little confusing? Well it is. Haunts is Cooper's debut album, … Read more

Barnett + Coloccia

Sige (2019)

Alex Barnett and Faith Coloccia are both distinguished members of the experimental ambient music scene, and have already proved that they are a force to be reckoned with when they collaborate. The duo has previously released two intriguing records of experimental, drone goodness in their debut record Retrieval and their sophomore full-length Weld. What was striking about the collaborations of … Read more

Baronen & Satan

Why Does The Blood Never Stick To Your Teeth/Satan Is A Lady
Dirty Water Records (2017)

Every now and then I find it entertaining to randomly pick something out of the promo-bin without overthinking what to review. Sometimes this way I discover brilliant stuff, sometimes I question my choices. Baronen & Satan’s short and snappy promo chatter sounds promising enough. This quartet is from Gothenburg, Sweden. There’s more than enough quality music coming from Sweden. That … Read more


Blue Record
Relapse (2009)

Much like their previous full-length, Red Album, Baroness' follow-up, Blue Record has been hyped quite a bit by the metal community. Red Album saw Baroness go in a very interesting direction as they shifted away from the straight-up heaviness of their EPs to a more drawn out and atmospheric sound, while still holding onto their sludge roots. Regardless, Red Album … Read more


Abraxan Hymns (2015)

Through their career, Baroness has spawned a series of excellent works. From their early Mastodon-ian EPs to the evolution of their own unique sound with Red Album and Blue Record and the adventurous routes that led to the release of their most ambitious work Yellow & Green, the band has remained a constant force in heavy music. A horrendous accident … Read more


Hyperrealist (2005)

Baroness have been one of music's best kept secrets. With the release of their first record, an EP titled First last year, some ears began to perk up and some eyes were opened. Now, with their sophomore effort, Second, everybody who is anybody has taken notice to this Georgia band who are looking to take the metal scene by storm. … Read more


The Red Album
Relapse (2007)

Forget everything that you have heard from or about Baroness to this point in your life; even their split record with Unpersons (A Grey Sigh in a Flower Husk) earlier this year does not prepare you enough for the dramatic leap that they throw at you with The Red Album. Baroness effectively rewrite their place in the current musical maelstrom … Read more


Yellow & Green
Relapse (2012)

When a band decides (yes, the band, not you and your fanboy mates) to make a little change in their musical approach and try out something new, a couple of things happen. Aforementioned fanboys get up in arms and take to the internet in droves or have the same conversation with different people over and over and over again about … Read more

Baroness / Unpersons

A Grey Sigh in a Flower Husk
At A Loss (2007)

Baroness and Unpersons team up for A Grey Sigh in a Flower Husk. For Baroness, it serves as a precursor to their forthcoming album for Relapse Records and as a send off for former guitarist Tim Loose. For Unpersons, this split serves as some people's - like mine - first exposure to the band. The two bands have vastly different … Read more

Barren Earth

The Curse Of The Red River
Peaceville (2010)

Barren Earth is like an ex-members of who's who. Sporting members from Swallow The Sun, Amorphis, and Moonsorrow among others. The band is veritable Swedish metal powerhouse. The band makes the most of the sum of their parts. Cultivating parts of melancholic metal of Swallow The Sun and the metal with Swedish folk touches of Amorphis. They songs have a … Read more

Barren Earth

The Devil's Resolve
Peaceville (2012)

If there’s anything I love, it’s some fucking metal. And if there’s any band out there that can deliver some fucking metal with astonishing consistency, it’s Finnish power/folk sextet Barren Earth. In that respect, their latest album, 2012’s The Devil’s Resolve, does not disappoint.Like their previous release, there is a clear folk influence at work on their music, but its … Read more