27 reach beyond simple classification. Combining bits and pieces from indie rock and trip-hop, as well as post-rock and traditional emo, 27 creates their own distinct sound within the teeming indie rock scene. With an EP, full-length, and a notable guest appearance (Isis - Oceanic) under their belts, the band has been together long enough to mold themselves from their … Read more
When quality is superseded by time constrains, one feels a certain degree of relief. If all goes terribly wrong and what you've written stinks, you can always fall back on the old 'It was a rush job' line. Here's my situation: I received the new split CD by 27 and Twin Zero in the post this morning, and I have … Read more
Somewhere between rock, stoner, sludge and noise, 30,000 Monkies manage to find a point of equilibrium and they are now unleashing their latest EP, Somewhere Over The Painbow. The malice of the Melvins merges with the spirit of Sonic Youth to bring four songs that will leave you stunned. With their furious sound, heavy riffs and relentless groove, this release … Read more
40 Watt Sun were borne from the ashes of English band Warning, a band that ceased to exist after only two full length albums (albums separated by seven years and an extensive hiatus). Their demise was much mourned in doom circles, and then this little gem came along to brighten the day. If slow, down-tempo riffs are the kind of … Read more
40 Watt Sun hold a special place in the hearts of those who have heard their music and been affected by the honesty within. 2011s The Inside Room was a stunning debut that still garners regular plays from this writer and Wider than the Sky will do the same in the years to come. Having been many years in the … Read more
A two-piece band before the format became de rigueur in hipster circles, 5ive (from Massachusetts not the boy band from the UK) play an instrumental doom-like style that incorporates psych elements to create a true sense of atmosphere and other worldly sounds - an impressive feat coming from just a guitarist and a drummer. Hesperus is the band's third full-length … Read more
I love old school death metal as much as the next person, so I'm always on the lookout for some good, old fashioned, long haired death metal. So along comes 7 Horns 7 Eyes, purporting to be just that: good ol' death metal, but with a modern twist. You can trust that, a few hours after this discovery, I held … Read more
Washington D.C. is known for putting out some of the best punk/hardcore bands of all time. If you were to simplify their history into Minor Threat and Bad Brains that would already be the type of track record that any respected trainer strives for. More recently though, D.C. hasn't been putting out as many head turners, that is until you … Read more
8MM has been around for a while now and their sound is maturing with every release from their first EP 2004's Opener to the new album Between The Devil and Two Black Hearts they just keep getting better. Lead by multi-instrumentalist / producer Sean Beavan (Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, No Doubt) the band was able to raise $40K via … Read more
It's hard writing about a band who's been around for a while that you're just hearing for the first time. Describing how they used to sound is crucial in ultimately describing how they sound now. Maybe it's not crucial, but it certainly makes the job a lot easier to have a point of reference through past records. All I know … Read more
The five-piece A Caesar Holiday offer up six tracks totaling forty-five minutes on their self-titled debut release. Featuring the combined instrumentation of violin, dual guitars, bass, drums, and accordion the Indianapolis group offer moody and mostly instrumental music falling somewhere between prog and post-rock. The album is at its strongest in the tracks featuring the violin work of Eison, most … Read more
I'm nearing twenty years of age and never once during these nineteen-plus years have I been able to view things in anything but color. Don't get me wrong, I've seen black and white films; I've also taken and viewed black and white pictures. For my twentieth birthday I will get my eyes removed and in the empty sockets dog eyes … Read more
On Notes, A Day in Black and White's debut full-length, they get to point quickly; in one minute and twenty seconds to be precise. After an at-times impressive first release, My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys released on Level Plane in 2004, A Day in Black and White looked like it would slowly join the hardcore-band graveyard as member changes … Read more
Splits are ideally awesome, with two bands combining their sounds for one album. Often times though it ends up that one side has a great band while the other has some weakness that jumped on. While Black Castle doesn't have as much to offer as A Day In Black And White, the two forces combined make a decent split. If … Read more
We've all done it - you mention a band unfamiliar to your friend and they'll ask "What does it sound like?" and being lazy North Americans we'll often reply with a barrage of noteworthy names just recognizable enough to wipe the inquisitive look from our hapless chum's face, and just obscure enough to retain "street cred" with the remainder of … Read more
When you anticipate things, do you find that you build up these lofty expectations that are virtually impossible to reach; or is the anticipation more often than not a good quality that leads to a build up of excitement? Anticipation (for me) is often a double edged sword that may do any combination of building up expectations and or excitement, … Read more
Ah, another offering from A Death Cinematic in the form of an “EP” (I put this in quotes because it plays longer than some LPs by some bands) entitled Your Fate Twisting In Its Crushing Moments; and just as with previous releases, this comes with some of the most intriguing packaging, again, hand made cover consists of a hand printed … Read more
Don’t you just absolutely love when split releases reveal some new band or musician that completely changes how you listen to certain types of music or even just end up being what you need to listen to at the moment that you sit down and listen to it? Luckily for me (and you if you have already heard this split), … Read more
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