Justin Broadrick and company has been extremely busy. Sundown/ Sunrise is a two-song 12" EP that Aurora Borealis is releasing. These songs are also available on the Japanese import version of the latest Jesu album, Conqueror. The tracks are not remixes of songs on the album, but rather they are entities to and of themselves. With a combined running time … Read more
Arriving home at approximately 5:30 PM EST, I walk up to my door to see the familiar Temporary Residence logo on the front of an LP vinyl mailer; the initial excitement that washes over me is dwarfed solely by my need to call a friend to exclaim my surprise and, quite possibly, gloat that I will be hearing the Jesu … Read more
Jesuit is the kind of band that your older brother (I would say sister, but women should hate this band now just like they did back then… for more information get a physical copy of this and read the ridiculously humorous liner notes) shows you when he catches you listening to some terrible pop or even the latest trend of … Read more
There has been a resurgence over the past few years of Shoegaze style rock. While many of the more known bands of this style tend to mix it with other genres at this point (Alcest mixing black metal or Ringo Deathstar with some electronic music). Needless to say most bands take what is useful to them from the genre and … Read more
Doghouse Records used to be one of my favorite labels. Their early roster included Endpoint, Falling Forward, Split Lip, etc. who in the 90's defined the vastly underrated Louisville/Midwest hardcore sound. It was emotive but heavy, melodic but hard; the sound was just everything great about the middle part of the country that happened in the last decade. Owner Dirk … Read more
Jim and the French Vanilla is the solo moniker for Jim Blaha, guitarist in The Blind Shake, a band with have several of their own releases, as well as collaborations with notables like Michael Yonkers and John Reis. This is his third “French Vanilla” release, but the first with true distribution and also the first to feature a full band.There … Read more
After a career spanning more than ten years and 4 critically acclaimed albums as the frontman of Manchester 3-piece Doves, Jimi Goodwin has been waiting quite a while before indulging in his first solo release. Taking direction from mix tapes that used to circulate between Goodwin and his friends, Odludek is a fiery and unpredictable album that embraces the eclectic … Read more
It’s always curious to see a veteran musician team up with their junior. Last year Jimmy Cliff joined with producer Tim Armstrong (Rancid) for the Sacred Fire EP, a pairing that sparked Cliff’s creativity and lead to this follow-up full-length. While it’s easy to note Armstrong’s presence on Rebirth (the album features a reappearance of the EP’s “Ruby Soho” cover), … Read more
Jimmy Cliff sounds pretty spry for a 63 year-old. The reggae legend is a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer (whatever that means) and holds England’s esteemed Order of Merit in addition to releasing several notable albums. Cliff hasn’t released a record since 2004’s Black Magic, but this teaser EP for a forthcoming 2012 LP raises the bar. The CD … Read more
It's strange to think that Tim Kinsella has been at it for about decade now, using his inexplicable charms and off-key personality with groups like Cap'n Jazz, Make Believe, Owls, Friend/Enemy, and his long-standing Joan Of Arc project to create an impressive and utterly distinctive catalog. The man's certainly prolific, releasing at least one new addition to an extensive body … Read more
The Milk-Eyed Mender came out in March and has been gathering press clips like a two-ton goliath going berzerk at a post-bar mitzvah shindig. It's freaking December and I haven't written anything about this record! So, what's a distraught proto-writer to do when 'best of 04' lists start trickling in? Easy! For you lovely readers, wherever you are, check the … Read more
It's no great feat to experiment sonically and stretch musical taxonomy into another "-core" (clarinet-core, pots-and-pans-core, sit-on-a-synth-and-fiddle-core). We aren't afraid of strange, so long as it's strange enough to earn a fucking modifier - fucking out there, fucking bizarre, fucking genius, man. However, the moment we can't rationalize an artist's eccentricity into concrete, tangible terms - political, intellectual, or conceptual … Read more
It is roughly 5:30 AM at the time of my finally getting down to writing this and the sun is just breaking over the horizon outside my window, and the Jodis song “Red Bough” from their album Black Curtain is just starting to hit its stride providing an apt soundtrack to my bleary eyed state (I have been up all … Read more
Jodis is finally making its way onto stereos after a bit of a wait since the group announced its existence. Jodis is a three piece outfit consisting of James Plotkin (Khanate, Khlyst, Atomsmasher, The Lotus Eaters, House of Low Culture), his former compatriot in Khanate Tim Wyskida, and Aaron Turner (Isis, Old Man Gloom, House of Low Culture, The Lotus … Read more
Joe Jackson’s love of Jazz is no secret; with his new album being a tribute to the Jazz king Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington simply titled The Duke. Joe has been on the scene now for over thirty years putting out hits like his early pop work “Is She Really Going Out With Him” and “Sunday Papers” from the album Look … Read more
Most music fans were stunned when Joe Strummer passed away in 2002. I’d recently skipped out on a Mescaleros show, thinking I had plenty of time to see the legendary musician. I honestly wasn’t all that into his work with the Mescaleros at the time, but Streetcore is one of the records of that era that’s still in heavy rotation … Read more
Ottawa-native Joel Martin is back with his twelfth album entitled The Tipping Point. For someone who has spent the majority of his career experimenting with sound and innovative ways and techniques to strike his audience, it’s safe to say he has succeeded in showcasing his creativity and talent with this interesting collection of songs which best represent him as an … Read more
Where does the aging punk-rocker go when his band's presence in the scene has all but evaporated, releasing new material only when the mortgage has to be paid or a new mouth to feed has entered the family unit, touring mostly when the opportunity is to travel overseas? He goes to the studio, unplugs the guitar, slows down the tempo, … Read more
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