Review type: Review

4860 total reviews — Page 106 of 270


Self Titled
Denovali (2011)

Admittedly, I was knocked off my seat when I first heard Iroha (their split with Fragment, Bittersweet was an engaging listen) and immediately began awaiting the release of their first LP; but herein lies the problem, there was waiting and waiting and more waiting until I literally forgot about this record coming out at all (which certainly is a shame). … Read more


Shepherds & Angels
Denovali (2012)

Sometimes it feels strange championing a band, but I feel as though Iroha are one of those bands that deserve to be heard but people (at least here in the U.S.) seem to consistently overlook the three-piece outfit, in part because of their consistently being left in the shadow of another band almost to the point of being called a … Read more

Iroha & Fragment

Denovali (2010)

One of the biggest thrills that I still get from music and writing about music is being smacked up side the head by some new band or (in this case bands) with a release out of nowhere or with their debut, and this release actually knocks it down with both bands on the record. Each outfit brings their own take … Read more

Iron Age

Constant Struggle
Youngblood (2006)

Despite what everyone else is saying, I can't call Iron Age a hardcore band. I know they're on a hardcore label and have members that were in fairly big hardcore bands. But they're just not hardcore music. Their music is way to metal to be lumped in with hardcore. From the opening track, "We're Dust / The Violator" it's obvious … Read more

Iron Age

The Sleeping Eye
Tee Pee (2009)

Texas natives Iron Age return with their second long-player, The Sleeping Eye, after making quite a name for themselves with 2006's Constant Struggle. The band's debut was highlighted by an onslaught of blistering crossover accented by classic hardcore undertones. With their new release, Iron Age builds on that foundation and adds some depth to their sound. What continues to strike … Read more

Iron and Wine

Around the Well
Sub Pop (2009)

As a long-time Iron and Wine fan, I was intrigued by the announcement of this double-disc release that spans the spectrum of Sam Beam's musical career. What most call a rarities and b-sides album, I see more of an insight into the progression of Beam's collaborative sound, compiling many of his strongest tracks that never made it onto his full-length … Read more

Iron and Wine

Our Endless Numbered Days
Sub Pop (2004)

Recently, I've made a pact with myself to never again purchase an album with an oxy-moronic title. This is due solely to the fact that usually the majority of emphasis can be placed on the word moronic. But, like any rule there exists a few exceptions, and surprisingly this album is one of them. Rather than sending my life into … Read more

Iron and Wine

The Shepherd's Dog
Sub Pop (2007)

I should never set expectations when it comes to music. When was the last time an album was exactly as good or as bad or as neutral as you thought it would be prior to its release? It never works out the way you want it to. Take Iron and Wine's latest release, The Shepherd's Dog. Coming off of the … Read more

Iron and Wine

Woman King
Sub Pop (2005)

Judging an artist based on another's artistic merit is an unfair and pretty bogus way of looking at music, but whenever I listen to Iron & Wine (and/or almost any other artist that could be considered part of this whole "neo-folk" mini-movement), I honestly can't help but think: "This is pretty good, but it's no Will Oldham." It's difficult to … Read more

Iron Chic

Not Like This
Dead Broke Rekerds (2010)

There are albums that you listen to with headphones to catch every subtle detail in its production. Then there are albums you blast from whatever speakers you have available to you for no reason other than to break the walls and sing along. Iron Chic’s Not Like This is the latter kind of album! After two years, a demo, and … Read more

Iron Chic

The Constant One
Bridge Nine (2013)

If ever a band was created for an epic singalong, it was Iron Chic. There’s that big feeling at the core of their soaring melodies as they build and rage, starting with a verse from Jason Lubrano and building to a gang singalong at the chorus in nearly every song. They’re songs that transcend the performers, taking on the personality … Read more

Iron Chic

The Constant One
Bridge Nine (2013)

Since their inception, Iron Chic have had a steady rotation through out the years through my speakers and a special place in my heart. Following their full length debut, I was ready to have another album. It's finally arrived in the form of The Constant One, and it does not disappoint. Any fan of this band are going to find … Read more

Iron Chic

You Can't Stay Here
Side One Dummy (2017)

Iron Chic has its own kind of poetry. It’s not quite the Off With Their Heads level of self-hatred, but it’s highly self-deprecating to the point of feeling playful and overblown in its drama. Throughout the entire 11-song You Can’t Stay Here there are dozens of snippets I could grab to express this tone. "I’m a stone, you’re a featherJust … Read more

Iron Lung

Sexless / No Sex
Prank (2007)

Why in the hell did I sleep on this record last year? Given, this did come out kind of late in the 2007, and with all the hoopla surrounding end of year lists and such, I guess it just slipped under my radar. A couple of Saturdays ago while in my local record store, the Nick Blinko (artist for Rudimentary … Read more

Iron Lung

White Glove Test
Prank (2013)

Sweet jesus did Iron Lung ever “come back” with a bang (seriously it has been six years since the band’s awesome album, Sexless // No Sex and even though they released a bunch of splits and collaborations in the interim, it still seems like they have been a bit quiet of late) with the extremely ambitious White Glove Test; with … Read more

Iron Maiden

Dance of Death
EMI (2003)

Iron Maiden has built one of the most reputable legacies of modern music. There is no doubting that. From such a legendary band, the fans can only expect the best. Having said such a thing, I'm issuing the following disclaimer: This review will be extra tough considering Maiden's history and importance to heavy metal music. First thing's first; the artwork … Read more


Celestial (Re-Issue)
Ipecac (2013)

I could make a career out of doing reviews of Isis reissues. But what makes reviewing Celestial so difficult is that it is already a legendary album, to the point where everything to be said about it from a critical standpoint has been said before. So instead of trying to sell you on the album itself (because really, it's just … Read more


In the Absence of Truth
Ipecac (2006)

Isis has easily become a standard for the "post-" jet setter. Their latest album, In the Absence of Truth is a good example why this is happening. If not for the band, then the Red Sparowes' (with whom Isis shares a member), Cult of Luna's, and the host of imitators and admirers would have no one to look to for … Read more