Rancid changed my life when I was twelve years old. Yes, Nirvana and Green Day had me going in the right direction, but Rancid absolutely changed me with their shocking mohawks, messy tattoos, and irresistibly catchy punk rock tunes. Once I bought ...And Out Come the Wolves I knew I had to be in a band and play music forever. … Read more
Pop with replay value. It doesn't come often, but when it does, it sure is a keeper. This occurs because the pop and rock are so finely blended on this that it just comes oozing with smiles. These said oozed smiles are soon molded into the figures of two lovers making passionate sex with "Everything To Me" as the backdrop. … Read more
I decided to give this band a chance because I heard they weren't a complete Get Up Kids rip off. Well, every piece of press this band gets mentions that Rock Kills Kid brings more to the table than simple pop punk, but this might be a stretch. The verses sound a little interesting, but as soon as the choruses … Read more
Rock Kills Kid of Southern California deliver a refreshing take on pop-punk with their debut EP. The band has been described as "technical pop-punk" which is seemingly fitting, because they certainly have much more technical prowess than most bands they will surely be lumped together with. This EP combines the energy of a pop-punk band with the darker approach of … Read more
It is real nice that Rocky Votolato's A Brief History is available again. With the original label - Your Best Guess Records - going the way of the Dodo, this underappreciated gem went out of print. Second Nature, thankfully, has the foresight to make this available for people again, and just in time for the release of Votolato's forthcoming new … Read more
A Brief History is Rocky Votolato's second full-length, originally released in 2000 after his hard-to-find self-titled debut in 1999. At twenty minutes long, it's really more of an extended EP, but then, the 'brief' in the title should be taken quite literally. Newcomers to Votolato's alt-country/Americana sound might be surprised to backtrack through his releases and come across this, helpfully … Read more
I thought this CD was going to be shit, and guess what? Within the first twenty seconds I found myself not surprised. I don't understand how one person can enjoy these vocals. This EP is only 10 minutes, but 10 minutes that I wish I didn't waste. Besides the generic pop "punk" sound they have, I'll give them some props … Read more
Okay; I came to this EP as a first time listener to Rufio, so I wasn't biased in my opinion of them. After spending the last 30 minutes or so with these three songs on repeat as I worked, I can safely say, Rufio are not a good band. Well, perhaps that statement is a little inaccurate. This is the … Read more
After AFI left Nitro Records, Nitro went on a splurge by signing a ton of bands that otherwise they would have spent on AFI. Well unfortunately they didn't try and fill those shoes. They instead signed some of the worst bands around today. Rufio was one of them. After becoming a success with their last CD, Perhaps, I Suppose (which … Read more
When you have members of Unearthly Trance, actually the whole last known line-up of Unearthly Trance, alongside Tim Bagshaw, previously of Ramesses and Electric Wizard, and to top it all off Stephen Flam of fucking Winter participating in the same band, then you find yourself sailing in the seas of nirvana if you are a doom/death fan. This is the … Read more
For a band such as Serpentine Path it seems nigh impossible to seperate the members past from their current works. Being that the band is comprosed of the whole of Unearthly Trance coupled with members whose former bands include Electric Wizard and Winter. If that doesn't read like doom metal supergroup I have no idea how you would quantify such … Read more
Decent record. Just sounds like everything else. Not that that is a bad thing I just didn't see myself saying "Oh I like that," or "That is pretty cool" once during the record. Definite potential and hopefully they can mature with future releases. If you like hardcore in the vein of Between the Buried and Me then you will like … Read more
Originality and innovation are two things this record lacks, but if those two things are extremely important to you, you probably shouldn't be listening to hardcore. Sinai Beach is definitely one of the better new school hardcore bands around today. Plenty of the fast paced hardcore stuff that gets kids broken noses on the dance floors these days, some crunching … Read more
I first heard about this band from an associate that doesn't like metalcore, but for the most part, strictly hardcore. So here I am, expecting something new, something that doesn't sound like the rest of the metalcore! After the ten second intro sample in "Candice", I was quickly disappointed. This first song sums up the whole album pretty much. This … Read more
For a genre such as hardcore, it's hard for a band to sound different... or good, for that matter. I dislike hardcore music, but this sounded like an emo-core/hardcore hybrid. Since By Man is the best hardcore band I've ever listened to - they play fairly fast (or, at least, they CAN play fast if they choose to do so), … Read more
I think I have whiplash. An incredibly addictive hardcore album with infectious riffs and powerful, gut-wrenching vocals are the best random synonyms for "whoah-kick ass" that I can think of at the moment. The vocals play off the guitars beautifully, and everything in between are seemingly endless chances for innovation that Since By Man capitalize upon nearly every time. Much … Read more
Lately, it has been difficult to read a music magazine with out encountering the statement "(Band X) breaks/pushes the boundaries of typical (Genre Y)" I'm sure somebody has already filled in the variables for this one: X = Since by Man and Y = Hardcore. We Sing the Body Electric is Since by Man's first full-length release after a series … Read more
This is a pleasant surprise. This is a hardcore record, a good hardcore record. The vocals are just the right fit for the music. I heard these guys before on the Generations record that Revelation released semi recently. These guys have a good hardcore sound with dashes of melody that makes Disconnecting so distinct. "Give Up" leads off Disconnecting with … Read more
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