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749 total reviews — Page 2 of 42

All Hell Breaks Loose

All Hell Breaks Loose
Surprise Attack (2004)

South Florida must be a breeding ground for hardcore bands. It seems every three months I'm hearing about another band featuring members of past bands I enjoyed. This usually means that I'll be stoked as hell or extremely disappointed with what I hear. All Hell Breaks Loose, the latest culprit, features members of notable bands Until the End, Santa Sangre, … Read more

All Hype

Bus 125 (2008)

Michigan's All Hype had the unfortunate job of opening a six-band bill show that had no local openers and I believe only ten people paid. Gotta love MPLS hardcore showing their support for bands that don't come from their cul de sac in the burbs. Anyhow, All Hype were great and did an In My Eyes cover, so naturally I … Read more

All Leather

Hung Like a Horse
Dim Mak (2009)

With the demise of Some Girls and the considerable downtime of The Locust, Justin Pearson got the itch to do something new. He teamed up with fellow Some Girls cohort Nathan Joyner and Maniqui Lazer's Jung Sing to form All Leather All Leather ventures towards slightly different territory that previous Pearson projects, and yet there is still that distinct sound … Read more

All Teeth

Young Love EP
Panic (2011)

All Teeth came out in 2009 with a full length that got mass praise amongst the hardcore press. Unfortunately it did not yield the fanbase they may deserve. So in the meantime they have moved to Panic Records, a label with a reputation for putting out solid releases. This label change seems to have done some good for them, allowing … Read more

All Teeth and Knuckles

Club Hits to Hit the Club With
Lujo (2007)

This is what happens when trust fund kids with expendable bank accounts get their hands on keyboards and samplers: an album of weak dance tracks with sing-speak vocalists telling bad jokes about people they despise. I'm sure this is supposed to be a joke, but then there's some truth to it. These gentlemen thrive on bar and club culture. Imagine, … Read more

All the Saints

Fire on Corridor X
Touch & Go (2009)

Fire on Corridor X, the debut full-length from this Atlanta, GA three-piece swirls up their influences in a Bass-O-Matic and shotguns the remains. I hear some Ride, some Swervedriver, even a little Jesus and Mary Chain. "Sheffield" starts this one off with a bang, and the band just let the tides flow. "Hornett" builds up the tension with some cool … Read more

All Through a Life

All Through a Life
Clue #2 (2008)

Unsolicited review materials are either one of two things: great surprises or extreme disappointments. Vancouver, British Columbia natives All Through a Life is of the first grouping. Prior to its arrival in the mail, I had never heard of All Though a Life. Over the course of this three-song 7" the Canadian four-piece experiments with a crossing of Dischord-esque punk … Read more


Kiss Dreams Goodbye
Refoundation (2008)

Kiss Dreams Goodbye is the newest offering from Alone, a melodic hardcore band hailing for Italy. This release is the band's follow-up to a split and features five brand new songs. Alone have a fairly unique sound as they're deeply rooted in the melodic hardcore, but they've also got a little bit of an indie/emo thing going as well. "Viva … Read more

Alpha & Omega

Devil's Bed
6131 (2008)

You know when George sings on Blacklisted's Heavier than Heaven, Lonelier than God and you really liked that grungey overblown style? Oh wait that was me. Anyhow... now you can have an entire five-song EP chock full of that over the top wailing. Not only do you get that you also get some headbanging metallic hardcore that falls somewhere between … Read more


Bridge Nine (2007)

Ambitions have always been one of those bands I've liked but never really got overly into. They always seemed far too cheesy in that super posi Bane way for me to never want to take them seriously. 2007 rolls around, Ambitions signs to Bridge Nine and releases a new 7". They are still cheesy as hell but I usually order … Read more

Ancient Sky

Ancient Sky
The Perpetual Motion Machine (2009)

Ancient Sky is a fairly new group of individuals with impressive musical resumes with members having performed in City of Caterpillar, Darkest Hour, and Majority Rule, among others. This is their seven-song, self-titled debut. Musically, Ancient Sky shows little influence from the members other projects. In fact, my listing them may have done you a disservice because you might be … Read more

Annihilation Time

II (Reissue)
Tankcrimes (2011)

Annihilation Time are a band that has been around for awhile. They play a style of hardcore punk that takes much from old school rock and punk. This is all juiced up and played in a very rock and roll style. With no fucks to be given how anyone feels about it. The band had released this album originally in … Read more

Annihilation Time

III: Tales of the Ancient Age
Tee Pee (2008)

With fuzzy riffs, elongated solos and twin guitar leads ala Maiden, this is a Hessian's dream. On III: Tales of the Ancient Age, Annihilation Time leaves the D.R.I. thrash influence in a cloud of bong smoke to focus on their shredding. That is, when they aren't ingesting chemicals, breaking bottles, or diving into the broken glass. Nearly every song on … Read more

ANS / Seasick

Billy in a Bearsuit
Brain Drain / Headcount (2008)

Hailing from outside Dallas, ANS deliver a concoction of fast-paced hardcore punk that draws comparisons to the early days of hardcore: Black Flag, Bad Brains, and DRI. The foursome is a bit more aggressive than their forefathers though, as showcased in the minute-and-a-half blast that is "Paging Dr. Shiba." "Circle the Drain" is a nice blend of the early hardcore … Read more


Dischord (2007)

Sometimes simple repetition makes the biggest impact. Sometimes simple repetition makes the biggest impact. SOMETIMES SIMPLE REPETITION MAKES THE BIGGEST IMPACT. Obviously it isn't working for me, but D.C.'s Antelope make something seemingly annoying into a subtle art form. That is, if you're not easily annoyed. Most of the tracks on Reflector accentuate bare bones songwriting. Almost every track is … Read more


A Benefit for Victims of Violent Crime
A-F (2007)

Anti-Flag has always been a band about raising awareness, but usually the subject is tied to our country's government in some manner. The band continues on with this EP, but instead of enlightening Americans about the evils of the U.S. government the band is raising awareness and monetary funds to help victims of violent crimes, something that hits close to … Read more


Stop The Chaos
Selfmadegod (2012)

After what amounts to a 3 year break the Polish grinders of Antigama are back with a new label and everything. Those familiar with the and know that they have always been outside the norm of their given genre. Whether that means the inclusion of alternate lyrical concepts or even electronic bits. So their return is something to be happy … Read more


Square of Opposition (2007)

Straightforward hardcore/punk. That is what The Netherlands' Antillectual offers up on Waves. This 7" features three new songs and three songs from their previous full-length. Antillectual serves up fast-paced hardcore punk with melody streamlined into the songs' structures. Musically I'd compare them to Strike Anywhere or Rise Against, but with a more coarse vocal delivery. The three new songs are … Read more