Reviews sorted by letter: S

531 total reviews — Page 17 of 30

Son Lux

At War with Walls and Mazes
Anticon (2008)

Son Lux is the working project of one man, Ryan Lott, a multi-talented musician and artist. At War with Walls and Mazes is his debut full-length and over the course of it he dabbles in various worlds of experimental music. At War with Walls and Mazes can be described in simplest forms as experimental as throughout the album, Lott pursues … Read more

Son Of Man

Burn The Witch EP
King Of Monsters (2014)

The possible hermits of Son Of Man have returned after their all too brief burner of a debut the band has reconvened for something even more nasty and dark. With the release of a new EP on a new label they have managed to up the ante overall. While the most basic of core values remain the band have inserted … Read more

Son Of Man

Self Titled EP
Good Times (2011)

Son Of Man are a new band from California. They exemplify the new school of what gets referred to as Holy Terror style hardcore. While i refuse that genre suggestion this is merely a very strong metallic hardcore EP. There is very little to be known about the band but they play heavy and hard. The Guitars screech and squeal … Read more


Like Ghosts
Independent (2012)

Like Ghosts is the debut from Bristol based Sonance, a band so disgustingly heavy that they are currently drowning the car alarm that's been going off in my street for the past half hour. Writhing with sickness and masses of doomed out symphony, Sonance curl around the psyche with a terrifying grip and their tightly woven structures spin out into … Read more

Sonata Arctica

Acoustic Adventures: Volume One
Atomic Fire Records (2022)

Finnish melodic metal quintet Sonata Arctica started out in the mid 90s as hard rock band Tricky Beans releasing 3 demos under that guise before changing their name to Tricky Means a year later and going down a more power metal route than before taking influence from bands such as Stratovarius. Their first demo as Tricky Means, Full Moon, was … Read more

Songs: Ohia

Magnolia Electric Co.
Secretly Canadian (2003)

From the first notes of the opener "Farewell Transmission" on the Magnolia Electric Co. experienced Songs: Ohia listeners will immediately pick up on Molina's new direction. On this album, Jason Molina has put aside minimalism in the music of his previous albums and has picked up a steel pedal guitar and has developed a backing band. Molina's melancholy, love-lost crooning … Read more

Songs: Ohia

Magnolia Electric Co.
Secretly Canadian (2003)

This is my first Songs: Ohia experience. Outcome? Excellent. Slide guitar, slow to mid-tempo songs, and a sound that can almost be reminiscent to Counting Crows at times (go ahead and flame me), I have found myself going back to this CD more than I expected. The vocals are incredibly laid back and have a vibe that is just incredibly … Read more

Songs: Ohia

Magnolia Electric Co.
Secretly Canadian (2003)

After falling in love with songwriter Jason Molina's ensemble last year through the somber and deeply confessional Didn't it Rain, my expectations were set extremely high for both of his 2003 releases, Magnolia Electric Co. and Pyramid Electric Co., which will be released later this year. The first thing that struck me about Magnolia Electric Co. was that it had … Read more

Sonic Youth

Daydream Nation (Reissue)
Geffen (2007)

When I first heard Sonic Youth, I didn't know about their formidable New York hipster cachet: Glenn Branca confederates, initially hated by Village Voice snob Bob Christgau, ex-No New York alumni (at least before Steve Shelley got behind the skins), etc. I had no idea that this was the band that bridged hardcore and the downtown gallery scene - how … Read more

Sonic Youth

Rather Ripped
Geffen (2006)

I love Sonic Youth. I've been a fan from the beginning. So it is with a heavy heart I say that their newest album Rather Ripped is neither Sonic, nor Youthful. "Sure", you cynical bastards say, "I've been feeling that way since Goo". But with each subsequent album, the band has found a way to tweak their sound just enough … Read more

Sonic Youth

Rather Ripped
Geffen (2006)

Rather Ripped showcases a slight stylistic shift for Sonic Youth. Their trademarked noisy dirge rock has been subdued a bit to allow a bit of melody to accentuate the more subtle nature of their music. Quite possibly, this may be the most accessible the band has been since Goo and Dirty, which is not a bad thing. At more than … Read more

Sonic Youth

Sonic Nurse
Geffen (2004)

Since June, I've been laboring over how to start off a review of Sonic Nurse. Now, it's December, and all I've come up with is a cliche about how I don't know what to say. Really, the only thing I can think to say is that Sonic Nurse is great. It's not flawless, but it is great. Style goes a … Read more

Sons and Daughters

The Repulsion Box
Domino (2005)

So... that whole selling out thing. Can someone tell me what it actually means? Growing up listening to punk music, I always found that it was almost synonymous with signing to a major label, or about how many records the band sells. Generally, selling out was a popularity thing, and it got thrown at any band that had the audacity … Read more

Sons of Azrael

The Conjuration of Vengeance
Metal Blade (2007)

"Trail of Flesh," "Sweet Blasphemy," and "Scent of a Dead Whore". Sure, we all know these titles as classic children's books, but did you know that they've been adapted into songs by a group called Sons of Azrael? Yes, that's right - all your favorite bedtime stories set to music on one convenient disc as sung by the cookie monster. … Read more

Sophie Lillienne

The Fragile Idea
IRMA Records (2015)

Artistically satisfying and incredibly eclectic, 2015’s The Fragile Idea from Italian electronic artist Sophie Lillienne seems designed to lull a listener into a somnambulistic state. Typically lumped into the trip hop genre, Sophie Lillienne’s music is full of unconventional, quietly haunting melodies, scratchy rhythms, and dramatic vocal performances. I would almost say that the dark and gloomy Fragile Idea is … Read more

Soror Dolorosa

No More Heroes
Northern Silence/Beneath Grey Skies (2013)

They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, and France’s Soror Dolorosa, in choosing to name their sophomore record after a Stranglers album (due to a badge depicting the album appearing on a jacket used for the cover art) manage to wear their hearts on their leather sleeves and show exactly what they’re about in one fell swoop. … Read more

Sorority Noise

You’re Not As _____ As You Think
Triple Crown (2017)

What is emo? A classicist view may lend itself to sounds like The Promise Ring’s Nothing Feels Good or Weezer’s Pinkerton, which gave way to second-generation icons like Brand New. While The Promise Ring and especially Weezer never really quite built on the successes of their early records, Brand New began as a yawpy pop-punk band that suddenly transformed into … Read more

Soul Control

Bridge Nine (2009)

Cycles marks a couple of firsts for Soul Control. After a slew of releases (an EP, a split 7", a comprehensive CD release also featuring several new songs, and a 7" singles series) the Rhode Island hardcore outfit ventures into the land of a proper full-length album. But that's not the only first for the group as they also have … Read more