Throatruiner Records have steadily increased their presence in the world of black/hardcore/completely mad music of late, and this little French label continually put out some of the most exciting and interesting sounds out there. The Phantom Carriage, Love Sex Machine, Clinging To The Trees Of A Forest Fire....each hold massive sound and that little something extra that gives Throatruiner that … Read more
I first came across The Phantom Carriage whilst browsing bandcamp for new things to hear. I tag searched black metal, saw the cover and clicked download. I wasn't quite prepared for what happened next. This record does have some black metal elements, but there's also hardcore, some mathcore, some jazz. Yes, jazz. New Thing is one of the maddest albums … Read more
Split albums generally feature artists at their best, and when they feature artists from a strong label like Throatruiner, there's almost no way to go wrong. Though I hadn't heard two of the artists on this three-way split before, I knew I wasn't going to be left disappointed by this one.The album starts off with a pair of pieces from … Read more
Clinging To The Tress Of A Forest Fire (hereafter referred to as CTTTOAFF for ease) hail from Denver, Colorado and deal in heavy as hell grind in all it's misanthropic glory. Coming to my attention only recently (sorry, I completely missed the boat on this band initially), they just released this split with French group Nesseria on Throatruiner Records. About … Read more
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