Ancient Sky is a fairly new group of individuals with impressive musical resumes with members having performed in City of Caterpillar, Darkest Hour, and Majority Rule, among others. This is their seven-song, self-titled debut. Musically, Ancient Sky shows little influence from the members other projects. In fact, my listing them may have done you a disservice because you might be … Read more
For whatever reason, the Italian La Quiete is supremely underrated. They've been putting out releases since 2001 and for whatever reason dudes and dudettes alike are sleeping on them. Well, now's your time to wake up, because their newest release, Tenpeun '01-'05 is a discography of sorts that includes their OOP (out of print) material. Included are their song(s) from … Read more
In 2005 we saw the amount of instrumental bands coming out rise significantly. Most of these bands either sounded too soft and sparkly (resembling Explosions in the Sky too much) or too over the top and heavy (sharing too much in common with the likes of Isis and Pelican). The Brooklyn quartet, New Electric has found a medium between the … Read more
Originally released as a limited run of 100 cassettes, Perpetual Motion Machine has decided to repress a small number of September Songs in preparation for Souvenir's Young America's upcoming tour with Aughra. If you missed your opportunity the first time, don't miss out on it again. Souvenir's Young America has been slowly but surely making waves in the instrumental rock … Read more
I was able to listen to Untitled II on my way up to visit friends at James Madison University, about a two hour ride north from where I go to college. Driving straight through the heart of the Shenandoah Valley of southwestern Virginia, with fall in full bloom and trees seemingly on fire with the changing color of their leaves, … Read more
When The Catalyst made a stop in D.C. over the summer, Mass Movement of the Moth's drummer perfectly described the band: "Welcome to Headbanging 101 with your instructor's, The Catalyst." The Catalyst then proceeded to break necks, and more than likely got drunk doing it. Rewind a few hours before, a front porch full of D.C. straight edge vegan punks, … Read more
It's hard to believe that Richmond, Virginia natives The Catalyst are only releasing their first full-length record in the form of Swallow Your Teeth. But I suppose that is a testament to their craft. They've kept fans satisfied with a series of split recordings and EP's over the years so that fans haven't had a chance to really yearn for … Read more
As I sit on my bed and listen to Songs from a Mean Season, I am twenty hours removed from having all four of my wisdom teeth removed. The pain really isn't all that bad, but I can still taste blood when I swallow, and my cheeks are pretty bruised. Then I start to really listen to the music entering … Read more
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