Adam Green was half of the ardour and madness that was Moldy Peaches, half of what was behind the animal suits and make up. And you know, whoever would have thought that behind all of that craziness was a songwriter of such quality and grace? Jacket Full of Danger is Adam's fourth solo album in five years. It sees a … Read more
Pete Doherty has spent the last year in and out of tabloid magazines for many different things: drugs, Kate Moss, fighting, Kate Moss on drugs, causing everyone that is involved in the music industry (it seems) to comment on him, 'crazy' live sets and more drugs. All this comes off the back of two just above average albums with his … Read more
2005 has been a good year for British bands so far; it seems that for the first time since Brit-Pop that British artists are cracking the American market with the likes of The Bloc Party and The Kaiser Chiefs getting play listings left, right and centre. With the follow up to their brilliantly titled debut The Decline of British Sea … Read more
Dedication to tradition is tricky business. On one hand, adhering to existing norms carries on the legacy. On the other end, can this result in something novel? Folk music is, by definition, rooted in tradition. And while many have pushed its boundaries, they are instead labeled as experimentalists or neofolk. From the early works of Comus to the feverish interpretations … Read more
Starcrawler vocalist Arrow De Wilde is one of the most arresting vocalists I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing in the last 20 years. When watching Starcrawler play live, it’s really a roll of the dice as to whether the front row will be appalled or attacked. Or both. And it’s that kind of unpredictability that makes Starcrawler unique in today’s … Read more
Allison Mosshart is one sassy bitch (meant only as an endearing term… honestly). What, you doubt this statement or just flat out refuse to believe it? Go get Blood Pressures from her less known and, in my opinion, much better outfit The Kills (you may better know her as the lead singer of the Jack White group The Dead Weather). … Read more
Midnight Boom is the third full-length from the garage duo The Kills - which is VV (Allison Mosshart former lead singer of Discount) and Hotel (Jamie Hince formerly the guitarist of Blyth Power and Scarfo) - following No Wow (2005) and Keep on Your Mean Side (2003). Having a liking to their second record, I feel some excitement for Midnight … Read more
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