Preparation for listening to the new Lightning Bolt record for the first time: ' Call up around a dozen of your closest buddy's and get them to haul ass to your place. ' Splash out your last forty bucks on as much low grade beer as your arms can carry. ' Take the last ten bucks you earned pumping gas … Read more
One day as I was harvesting my grain, I looked up to the heavens and asked, 'God, is sheer musicality and technical prowess enough to make a good record?' To my surprise, God responded. His booming voice chimed in with a clear as day 'Fuck no.' Then from out of nowhere, Lightning Bolt's album, 'Wonderful Rainbow fell into my hands. … Read more
Lightning Bolt consists of a drummer and a bassist, and provides of flurry of electron dissonance. But don't expect music that you would think of when you hear "drum and bass", because this is a ride on a one way bus to India. Warning: there is nothing about the sound that reminds me of India. Sometimes the songs can get … Read more
Wonderful Rainbow, Lightning Bolt's latest full length, is the much anticipated follow-up album to Ride the Skies that doesn't disappoint. When I listen to Lightning Bolt, whether it be live or on CD, I know that they're giving me their all and not having some message they're trying to get to the idiot public, as some bands seem to do … Read more
There's this pretty great interview in the most recent issue of Chunklet magazine which talks to Pen Rollings of Honor Roll, more recently of Loincloth fame. In the article, he talks about how all those European metal bands that burn churches down and totally front like they're hard are, in fact, pussies who try too hard. As a result, he … Read more
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