We've all done it - you mention a band unfamiliar to your friend and they'll ask "What does it sound like?" and being lazy North Americans we'll often reply with a barrage of noteworthy names just recognizable enough to wipe the inquisitive look from our hapless chum's face, and just obscure enough to retain "street cred" with the remainder of … Read more
December 14, 1999: Poison the Well's Opposite of December was re-released and marked the end of metallic hardcore as everyone before it. Before "Nerdy" made all the mixtapes there was a quite of few metallic edged hardcore bands like Cleveland's apocalyptic Integrity, San Diego's depressive Unbroken, and Vegan Militants Earth Crisis whom all played palmed muted e-chord chugga chugga until … Read more
It's never really a good sign when the first thing that pops into my head when I listen to To Hell with Motives is "ugh." The CD starts off earnestly enough with a noise-laden track that actually had me hoping Deadguy Part Deux. Sadly that never happened as the end of the intro ends with some kid (I believe his … Read more
Oh jeez, another one of these bands. You know the kind - screamo/emo band who wants anything but to be labeled as such. They come up with alternate and sometimes startlingly inaccurate descriptors such as "melodic hardcore" or "emotion rock," or they take the easy way out and spout off the classic "we don't like to label ourselves" or "our … Read more
I very nearly saw this band, in a barn, no less. From the time I saw the flier I was stoked on the show; black and white crass styled font, touring international hardcore bands, and almost certainly couscous or lentils. The show was unfortunately cancelled. I think I had to work anyway. I'm glad I picked up this CD, though. … Read more
I hate one-sheets. In case you are not as media savvy as everyone else, a one-sheet is a sheet of paper that labels send out with their promo releases to record stores, magazines, and other places that sell or review music. Usually on these one-sheets there is something about how great the band is or what great bands they have … Read more
The 80's weren't really as bad as those VH1 specials make it out to be. Sure the fashion of those years was pretty atrocious, but try going to a concert today without laughing. It's hard, trust me. Throughout the decade there was quality music being made on all fronts - pop, hardcore, new-wave, hip hop, and punk. There were some … Read more
Of all of the promos in the pile in the corner of my room, Weapons are Useless has been languishing there the longest, festering silently, crying out to be reviewed. From time to time I would pop the disk into my laptop, in a vain attempt to make something of what Your Eyes My Dreams had dumped upon me. It … Read more
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